Monday, June 9, 2014

Introduction ©, 2014

     This is a project for Russian English Singing Translations, written by Boris K'Zorin, shortly K.R.E.S.T., which attempts to share within The New World his cultural background and related vision about necessity of the only productive relationship between USA and Russia - forever two equally equivalent world competitors, leaders and global peace keepers on holy duties.

Definitions and Necessary Clarifications:

Fellow(s) - American people, as "Dear Fellow American: I am honored to congratulate you ..."

KREST   - this name in the title above is in Russian and literally means CROSS and that "Everyone has a cross to bear". That is.

Singing Translations - translations/interpretations, which are ready to immediate performance under musical support provided by attached or existed on files sound tracks or videos after its online publication and to be found on any Lyrics Translate Websites or just on Google. That is never "dry" translations, so to prove it just join me and enjoy my modest creativity.

     Good Morning, let me introduce myself. I do it in all possible ways, being just career of an open mind personality, thought personality of mine :-)

My Blogger Edition 

     Well, this has happened exactly today - My First Blog and at gets started. I wanna say that I started my hobby of translating poetry from Russian into English, because my time to do it came. But to be honest with my potential readers I feel that in the base of my coming up abilities is my loneliness due cause to family huge loss - of my sole friend and wife, suddenly happened after thirty years of marriage ... So I just want my Fellows would able to understand the beauty of my Russian heritage, so, maybe, some day after paying forward now with my modest work I will pay back with my bigger attention to their musical heritage ...

My YouTube Edition 

     "This Google feature is supposed to be my next window into the world, well, channel of communication, kind of. As of today, I do not know how soon I can afford  to sing something for any prospective audience on my own, so in meantime iReport, carrying my K.R.E.S.T. - Russian English Singing Translations,  and as such sharing within The New World my cultural background and related vision about necessity of a productive relationship between USA and Russia - two equivalent world leaders and competitors.

     Sure, doing Singing Translations in respect to copyrights I did several unsuccessful attempts to contact authors of lyrics and even authorized performers of the songs who have appeared just not reachable. So I, working alone and doing my best, translate works what I like only and in accordance with above said purposes. I went public on several social pages gradually improving my works, starting from;;
boris-kzorin etc."

Los Angeles, CA, USA
May, 2014

My LyricsTranslateWebsites Edition

     Hi, the correct spelling of my name is Boris K'Zorin (K&Z - both are in capital letters).  The name is widely known, even here in Southern California (the further China jurisdiction - a-ha, (intl. joke), e.g. Boris Pasternak, Boris Yeltsin, Boris Becker ... for another fellows - Boris Karlov ... The name is of The Slavic origin and literally its meaning is "Fighting For Glory" or in an American style of expression: f4glory.

I was born on April 16 in the City Potsdam, Germany - the place of worldwide known palace Sanssouci - Maulbeerallee, 14469 Potsdam, Germany. When I had lived in Germany I had spoken German on the level as my "CNN-English" (I said so!) now :-). Hence I am reasonably interested to restore my German, and, maybe, this is why I still keep the official invitation of mayoralty to be welcomed in my home city at anytime while on trip or journey.
 I completely agree with authors who tell us that good verses are written by soul and, as especially for my passion of Russian-English Singing Translations (My K.R.E.S.T.), because before putting them on paper they should have deeply felt by me to inspire interest and hence courage me for immediate interpretation, just to avoid troubles in (inter)communication with my Fellows. And I have never experienced any embarrassment to to use any language, having in past background my hardly worked Engineering degree.
o, as I am not ordinary, but your reasonable Fellow (I was invited to join The United States based on my past diversity visa - to make differences) and as such I write my expressions for those who is able to understand them. That is.


By BORIS K'ZORIN, The another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA, USA
May 2014

My iReport Edition

"I am in L.A. based on my German background. So that is to say I feel comfortable in The West and The New World. That is. I came back to iReport(-ers) community because I believe that I was blocked and forgotten with my face and page in their book (Facebook), precisely in the field of my lyric expressions. But this is still me, as is, hence just to be understood I am representing right now and here just a sample of my work as a verse singing interpretation, as follows:

I see a sign from not to far my future
This is an invitation to the better time
I feel a mission and that one demanding - 
As of today, what for tomorrow I’ve done?


Oh, Beautiful, you near, be kind to me a little!
Be kind to me a little, more decent, always be
I am from a pure source and joined you when struggles
Together we’ll make difference, I’m sure, yes, we can!

So, do not hesitate to visit to listen this with a musical support ..."  ... or just here at Google with its acquiring-Plus feature :-)

Thanks, Fellows :-)

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