Friday, October 31, 2014


Reserved for Introduction ...

Prompted by a new video, which was just credited through Google+ ...   


A Cavalier’s life isn’t prolonged,
And hence so sweet his esprit is.
The trumpet calls to leave canopy
Somewhere’s heard the sound of swords.
The guitar voice is still confronted
But the commander is in saddle ...

Do not you promise to young maiden
That love’s eternal on the earth!
Do not you promise to young maiden
That love’s eternal on the earth!

To no purpose peaceful fun that
You're so laughing trying to extend
Reliable glory wining is not easy
as long as no blood was shed apart...
Yes, love is sweet that sublunary -
But anxiety’s on the brow ...

Do not you promise to young maiden
That love’s eternal on the earth!
Do not you promise to young maiden
That love’s eternal on the earth!

Champagne is flowing like a river,
And glance is growing misty so,
And all seemed like with you forever.
And all seemed like in own hands,
Cross that is wooden or kind iron
That is assigned just by chance ...

Do not you promise to young maiden
That love’s eternal on the earth!
Do not you promise to young maiden
That love’s eternal on the earth!

By BORIS KZORIN, the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2013

1. Generals of Civil War I - To Officers Of Russian Empire of 1917 ©, 2014-2017 (updated)

Updated especially to 100 years 
of Great October Revolution in Russia
(update is posted below).

In self-respect we shall know the history of the world and the history of countries we had happiness to live and grow ... Yap, fortunately, I have listened to good teachers there and good professors here; and I am thankful to my mother, who could charge me very timely with the world of a beauty.

Very suddenly, last night I run into something impressive, first by presented events, and, secondly, by the art of representing them author. It is something about loss, about true aristocracy, about something the sublime .., crashed by boot. So, I have done easy with this translation for your potential enjoyment, readers.

Supporting videos:  

1. Generals of Civil War I - To Officers Of Russian Empire of 1917 ©, 2014-2017 (updated)

Not yet insignia's ripped off
And the regiments aren't shot
Not yet in red, but still in green
The field at river is appeared
They're all today in different ages
But their fate's already sealed
They are not yet the generals,
Not their war is gonna lose*

They only have a short one moment                
For glory after victories in fights

Sentimentality of beauty
Admiredly glances toward them
As always on the triumphal parades        
They are awarded the positions and ranks        
But all these scenes are so fatal,
So their faces are so pale.

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as wolf
Rossiya-matushka, my beauty
What are doing with me?!

In fire photo albums and heirloom
In the fireplaces on hot coals,
The last resort - Ipatiev House
Already radiates the fear
Already messiah descended,
And his intentions are well pure.
Her eternal cross' bearing Russia,
And crosses added recently in mind

Just yesterday - exquisite dandies,
Today they Knights of Holy War
They are not yet in immigration
They still are her beloved sons.
But life is gone, as never happened
It did not leave at least a trace.
On horizon was burning out
Their life-guiding and bright star.

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as wolf
Rossiya-matushka, my beauty
What are you doing with me?!

Last shot with heart got deadly crossed
Inexorable is farewell glance
But diaries of loving women
That for descendants will restore.
O-oh, my God, what would've happened then with us,
In case when all of that and were not in vain ...
If only mind was never gotten so eclipsed
In Kremlin then by bloody dawn instead of sun !?

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as wolf
Rossiya-matushka, my beauty
What are doing with me?!

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as wolf
Rossiya-matushka, my beauty
What are you doing with me?!

* - Related: "We lost the battle, but we won the war" aka by U.S. President George Washington, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, general De Gaulle (FR) and others, world-wide politicians ...

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2014

* - The most of supporting pictures are shown to the credit of the youtube link above and its author

You are welcome -

Update to 100 years 
of Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia

To Officers Of Russian Empire of 1917 ©, 2014-2017

Not yet insignia's ripped off
And 'regiments are not yet shot
Not yet in red, but still in green
The field at river is appeared
They're all today in different ages
But their fate's already sealed
They're not promoted yet to 'generals,
Not their war is gonna lose*

They only have a short one moment                
For glory after victories in fights
Sentimentality of beauty
Admiredly glances toward them
On the triumphal parades as always        
They are awarded the positions and ranks        
But all these scenes are also fatal,
Hence their faces are so pale.

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as a wolf
"Rossiya-'matushka", my beauty
What are you doing with me?!

In fire are photo albums and heirlooms
In the fireplaces on hot coals,
The last resort - "Ipatiev House"
Already radiates the fear
Already messiah descended,
And his intentions are well pure.
Eternal cross is bearing by Russia,
And crosses added recently in mind

Just yesterday - exquisite dandies,
Today they're Knights of Holy War
They are not yet in immigration
They still are her beloved well sons.
But life is gone, as never happened
It did not leave at least a trace.
On the horizon's burning out
Their life-guiding and bright star.

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as a wolf
"Rossiya-'matushka", my beauty
What are you doing with me?!
Last shot with heart got deadly crossed
In'exorable is apopemptic glance
But diaries of enamored women
That for descendants will restore.
O-oh, my God, what would've been with us,
Today, when all of that | was not in vain ...
Whenever mind was not eclipsed
By dawn that's steady red above Kremlin ?!

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as a wolf
"Rossiya-'matushka", my beauty
What are you doing with me?!

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as a wolf
"Rossiya-'matushka", my beauty
What are you doing with me?!

* - Related: "We lost the battle, but we won the war" aka by U.S. President George Washington, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, general De Gaulle (FR) and others, world-wide politicians ...

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2014-2017

You are welcome - ; --- Performance of this English version to be posted in an observance of 100 years of Great October Revolution (aka lovely state holiday of "soviet folk" before Russia revival). The lyric was formerly displayed for information and consideration (not published!) aka [ Generals of Civil War I - betrayed by allies (in Russia of WWI) ©, 2014 ].



Еще не сорваны погоны
И не расстреляны полки,
Еще не красным, а зеленым
Восходит поле у реки.
Им лет не много и не мало,
Но их судьба предрешена.
Они еще не генералы,
И не проиграна война.

У них в запасе миг короткий
Для бурной славы и побед,
Сентиментальные красотки
Им восхищенно смотрят вслед.
А на парадах триумфальных
Их ждут награды и чины,
Но эти сцены так фатальны,
А эти лица так бледны.
Кровавая, хмельная,
Хоть пой, хоть волком вой!
Страна моя родная,
А что ж ты делаешь со мной?!

Горят фамильные альбомы
В каминах жарких на углях,
От стен Ипатьевского дома
Уже накатывает страх,
Уже сошел с небес мессия,
И помыслы его чисты.
Свой вечный крест несет Россия,
Считая свежие кресты.
Вчера изысканные франты,
Сегодня - рыцари войны,
Они еще не эмигранты,
Они еще ее сыны.
Но жизнь прошла, как не бывало,
И не оставила следа.
На горизонте догорала
Их путеводная звезда.


Кровавая, хмельная,
Хоть пой, хоть волком вой!
Страна моя родная,
А что ж ты делаешь со мной?!
Последний выстрел с сердцем скрещен,
Неумолим прощальный взгляд,
Но дневники любивших женщин
Их для потомков воскресят.
Ах, боже мой, что б с нами было,
Когда бы это все не зря...
Когда бы разум не затмила
На башне красная заря?!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Song of Alice (Alice in Wonderland - Russian version) ©, 2014

     In opposition to Carroll's own character, which is not located by me yet in English version, the Alice (main) character is always attractive, kind of.

There is anyway the same difference between cultures and their expressions and as such Alice songs do not sound similar to each other in different languages. E.g., "In A World Of My Own" (written in English):

All the flowers
Would have very
Extra special powers
They would sit
And talk to me for hours

When I'm lonely
In a world of my own

There'd be new birds
Lots of nice and friendly
How-do'ya do birds
Everyone would have
A dozen blue birds
Within that world of my own ...

As this elementary ABC was not impressive to me in any possible way, even as a potential presentation, say, before kids .., wait, what was Alice' age when she decides to follow Rabbit?

A-ha, cool?
Fortunately  there is a correct Russian expression of her thoughts at the age of first reasonable sufferings.  I hope you can enjoy this with support of music at  

                                                                                        Alice's Adventures in  Wonderland 

I'm terribly bored, I am just exhausted.
Disturbing and enticing thoughts appear
Why not if I would be, by someone invited
O gosh, I would able to see something through

But what is exactly - I really don't know.
All the tips from around excitedly wrong
"You, have a read," and obeying I'm reading
"You, have a play," well, I'm amusing my cat
However, I am terribly bored
Sir! Believe and take Alice with you!

I so wish in real, I'd like it so much
Someday and somehow get taken from home -
Just suddenly be on the top and among
Inside of the world where everything is different! ..

But what is exactly - I really don't know.
All the tips from around excitedly wrong
"You, have a read," and obeying I'm reading
"You, have a play," well, I'm amusing my cat
However, I am terribly bored
Sir! Believe and take Alice with you!

Let in my home get started a real one flurry
Let the punishment threatens - I agree, -
Closing my eyes I am counting up to three ...
What would be the next! I am awfully worried!

But what is exactly - I really don't know.
All is upside-down already with hotness of noon
"Should I read?" - I am sitting and playing
"Should I play?" - Together with cat we are reading
However, I am terribly bored
Sir! As for real, may I follow you!

* - I dislike not well contexted lyrics of any author, but I could like "The Song of Carroll" (I renamed my translation into "The Dodo Bird's Song"**) from the first look and, of course, because of Zara.
I felt something missed here and this way ... I have discovered Natalia Podolskaya.

** -  see just previous post in this blog

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2014


ORIGINAL RUSSIAN LYRIC     -   sure, written by Vladimir Vysotsky (1973)

Я страшно скучаю, я просто без сил.
И мысли приходят - маня, беспокоя,-
Чтоб кто-то куда-то меня пригласил
И там я увидела что-то такое!..

Но что именно - право, не знаю.
Все советуют наперебой:
"Почитай",- я сажусь и читаю,
"Поиграй",- ну, я с кошкой играю,-
Все равно я ужасно скучаю!
Сэр! Возьмите Алису с собой!

Мне так бы хотелось, хотелось бы мне
Когда-нибудь, как-нибудь выйти из дому -
И вдруг оказаться вверху, в глубине,
Внутри и снаружи,- где все по-другому!..

Но что именно - право, не знаю.
Все советуют наперебой:
"Почитай",- я сажусь и читаю,
"Поиграй",- ну, я с кошкой играю,-
Все равно я ужасно скучаю!
Сэр! Возьмите Алису с собой!

Пусть дома поднимется переполох,
И пусть наказанье грозит - я согласна,-
Глаза закрываю, считаю до трех...
Что будет, что будет! Волнуюсь ужасно!

Но что именно - право, не знаю.
Все смешалось в полуденный зной:
Почитать? - Я сажусь и играю,
Поиграть? - Ну, я с кошкой читаю,-
Все равно я скучать ужасаю!
Сэр! Возьмите Алису с собой!

*** 1973 ***

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dodo Bird's Song ("Alice's Adventures in Wonderland") ©, 2014

The original song title is "The Song of (Lewis) Carroll" ("Песня Кэрролла" - Russian), but the said name (Carroll) is just the pen name for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, British mathematician and author of "Alice in Wonderland". In the song  he acts like a narrator of a tale under established by kids and thankful history nickname Dodo (as from hardly pronounced "Dodgson").

The song was written by Vladimir Vysotsky, who "was a Russian singer-songwriter, poet, and actor whose career had an immense and enduring effect on Soviet and Russian culture" (Wikipedia)and this song was perfectly performed by Zara this year on the event dedicated to his tribute ...

Listen to and sing in English. Enjoy!

 Only for Zara! :-))

A lot of unclear in unusual country, 
You'll get confused and even get lost,
Horripilations appear on the back  
If you imagine what might here happen.
Say, there's trench and you have to spring
Will you get scared or make a bold jump?
Why? Oh,... That's, friend, the way
The one deal* you make explains your whole point

In Wonderland good and evil | as elsewhere they occur,
But only here they still live | on opposite coasts.
The very different stories, they wander on those roads 
And live imaginations run there on thin feet.

This story we'll start, with one of the puzzles,
So even Alice would hardly respond, 
What is remained from fairy tale then, 
After it was wisely told before us? 
Where, for example, the magical horn? 
The Fairy Godmother, where did she fly
Why? Oh,... That's, friend, the way
The one deal* you make explains your whole point

They don't disappear | they don't get dissolved 
The told before us stories | well flashing in the dream
In magical one country, in Wonderland they move, 
We certainly will meet them in fabulous this land ...

And as a final, I'd like to be known
"To be recognized by my style of narration"
I'll be a bird in a magical land - 
Under given by kids, the "Dodo Bird" name.
So even Alice will not find a clue, 
How I'll get in the bird transformation
Why? Oh,... That's, friend, the way
The one deal* you make explains your whole point

So not such only oddities | in Wonderland are happened
There're no any borderlines | or needs swim, run or fly -
The getting there isn't hard, there is no forbiddance  
You'll find themselves there easy | just don't stop your dreams

... The tale is not cutting just by its end 
Recall, you were asked at very beginning
What is remained from fairy tale then, 
After it was wisely told before us? 
Maybe not everything, even eating the pie, 
Our Alice could see in the dream. 
Why? Oh,... That's, friend, the way
The one deal* you make explains your whole point

And if someone would try | to enter again suddenly 
In Wonderland that fabulous | in beautiful good sleep - 
That even fact imaginable, which only is appeared - 
Will find in its mysterious and magical one land.

* - this word was chosen just for kidding, sure in the whole appreciation to everyone's business, as the art of a making a deal is the main point of my Fellows businesses; any reasonable situation in a human being lives is a SALE! Deal?

** - When I do my creative work I fly in the sky, you know, so everything is happened, like, say, the shown below suddenly came into my mind personification as to get known by what you are doing best or truly fascinated. That is.

*** - "" is meaning of the name BORIS.

And as a final, I'd like to be known
"To be recognized by my style of translations™ **
Also I wanna join magical birds -
Under e-name aka fighting-for-glory*** 
So even Alice will not find a clue, 
What is my way into bird transformation
Why? Oh,... That's, friend, the way
The one deal* you make explains your whole point


I verse variants, e.g.,

a. In Wonderland good and evil | as elsewhere they occur,
b. Good and evil in Wonderland | as elsewhere they occur,
c. As elsewhere they occur | good and evil in Wonderland,
a. Why? Oh,... That's, friend, the way
b. Ha? Uh ... That's, friend, the way
a. The one deal* you make explains your whole point
b. The one deal* you take | can make the whole point

That is.

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2014

You are welcome -

The trademark symbols   ℠, is used for unspecified here trademarks



       Много неясного в странной стране,
       Можно запутаться и заблудиться,
       Даже мурашки бегут по спине,
       Если представить, что может случиться.
       Вдруг будет пропасть и нужен прыжок,
       Струсишь ли сразу? Прыгнешь ли смело?
       А? Э... Так-то, дружок,
       В этом-то все и дело.

Добро и зло в стране чудес - как и везде встречается,
Но только здесь они живут на разных берегах.
Здесь по дорогам разным истории скитаются,
И бегают фантазии на тоненьких ногах.

 Этот рассказ мы с загадки начнем,
 Даже Алиса ответит едва ли,
 Что остается от сказки потом,
 После того, как ее рассказали?
  Где, например, волшебный рожок?
  Добрая фея куда улетела?
  А? Э... Так-то, дружок,
  В этом-то все и дело.

Они не испаряются, они не растворяются,
Рассказанные в сказке, промелькнувшие во сне.
В Страну Чудес волшебную они переселяются,
Мы их, конечно, встретим в этой сказочной стране...

  Ну и последнее: хочется мне,
  Чтобы всегда меня вы узнавали,-
  Буду я птицей в волшебной стране
  "Птица Додо" меня дети прозвали.
   Даже Алисе моей невдомек,
   Как упакуюсь я в птичее тело.
   А? Э... Так-то, дружок,
   В этом-то все и дело.

И не такие странности в Стране Чудес случаются,
В ней нет границ, не нужно плыть, бежать или лететь -
Попасть туда не сложно, никому не запрещается,-
В ней можно оказаться - стоит только захотеть.

Не обрывается сказка концом.
Помнишь, тебя мы спросили вначале:
Что остается от сказки потом -
После того, как ее рассказали?
Может, не все, даже съев пирожок,
Наша Алиса во сне разглядела.
А? Э... Так-то, дружок,
В этом-то все и дело.

И если кто-то снова вдруг проникнуть попытается
В Страну Чудес волшебную в красивом добром сне,-
Тот даже то, что кажется, что только представляется,
Найдет в своей загадочной и сказочной стране.

*** 1973 ***

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Line for a Dream ©, 2014

From my background I know Russian performer Mrs. Dolina and as such I have done with several my translations of her songs into English to move our mentalities somehow closer. I have even mechanically subscribed for her YouTube Channel, which charges me with excessive hyperactivity of guys, like those in West Hollywood, CA. Actually it is boring well, and I was about to shut off them. Sure, just in respect to the star (Mrs. Dolina) I have left several my comments in a support of that business named "Show (Musical) Hit", but I never had a patience to listen to that more than five minutes, honestly.

Suddenly, as of today, the appearance of a new Mrs. Dolina's performance came into news, and as such, the matter of my art, I offer you my own work or interpretation, if you want to think so.

My experience shows that this is practically impossible to ask any star or author for their permission (they are traditionally not responsive) though due cause to swarm of businesses surrounding them, so I do it here, verbally and officially. I am not their big fun at all, as I have my own vision and follow that. So what? Enjoy! The musical support is here:

Thanks, BKZ


Next please, next please, daydream line is not 
Simply ended behind me; who is there? I feel it
Just like always I live and hope
Next please, next please; rain and line is moving
Who is there, who is there, in high thirst?
Let me someday this starvation
Get relaxed, I'm so wanna get survive 

We're checking by the watches
An approval joining heaven
But I'm waiting in your eyes, just a tenderness 
So I am trusting
Sky'll recall about me
So in country that in a space
You could trust me once again, in a privacy

Next please, next please, the line is for a sign
Who is waiting the first thunder in a spring
So modestly it appeared
Who is there, who is there, with star decease*?
Next please, next please, to risk with a dream
Let me someday this starvation
Get relaxed, I'm so wanna get survive 

We're checking by the watches
An approval joining heaven
But I'm waiting in your eyes, just a tenderness 
So I am trusting
Sky'll recall about me
So in country that in a space
You could trust me once again, in a privacy

Whether you're now near to me
I'm your happiness and a fate
Whether you know, whether you love
Whether they now near to you
My better songs and stargazing
Whether recall we, whether we love

We're checking by the watches
An approval joining heaven
But I'm waiting in your eyes, just a tenderness 
So I am trusting
Sky'll recall about me
So in country that in a space
You could trust me once again, in a privacy

* Having a "star decease" does not exclude a meeting with another dream of a life, but a desire of a "lucky star" only is just a limited action (not recommended one ;-),.. at the level of a performance we are able to enjoy, thanks Mrs. Do-li-na' :-))

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -




Кто там, кто там в очередь за мечтой 
Кто там, кто там стал за моей спиной 
Всё как прежде, жду с надеждой 
Кто там кто там в очереди за дождём 
Кто там кто там капли хватает ртом 
Эту жажду дай однажды 
Утолить, мне иначе не прожить 

Мы сверяем по часам 
Превращения в небеса 
А я жду в твоих глазах, чувство нежности 
И мне верится 
Небо вспомнит обо мне 
И в заоблачной стране 
Сможешь ты наедине, мне доверится 

Кто там, кто там в очередь за грозой 
Кто там, кто там первую ждёт весной 
Так не смело, отгремело 
Кто там, кто там в очередь за звездой 
Кто там, кто там снова рискнет мечтой 
Эту жажду, дай однажды 
Утолить, мне иначе не прожить 

Мы сверяем по часам 
Превращения в небеса 
А я жду в твоих глазах, чувство нежности 
И мне верится 
Небо вспомнит обо мне 
И в заоблачной стране 
Сможешь ты наедине, мне доверится 

Там ли сейчас, где и я 
Счастье твоё и судьба 
Знаешь ли ты, любишь ли ты 
Там ли сейчас, где и ты 
Песни мои и мечты 
Помним ли, мы любим ли мы 

Мы сверяем по часам 
Превращения в небеса 
А я жду в твоих глазах, чувство нежности 
И мне верится 
Небо вспомнит обо мне 
И в заоблачной стране 
Сможешь ты наедине, мне доверится 


Thursday, October 16, 2014

I Wish You Happiness ( Я Желаю Счастья Вам ! ) ©, 2014


Lyric of Igor Shaferan;  Stas Namin, composer - the only video that is acceptable at this time. Generally this is a song of "Happy Birthday" style-like, but with the wishes extended to every day of our life. The song is slightly adjusted to the my current living conditions, sorry, guys no snow or winter in Los Angeles, California.



In the world where no snow whirls, 
But the ocean steadily rolls it waives 
Where we're waiting for good news
Sometimes a long time
Making holding off easier at once
It's necessary for each of us 
Very necessary for each 
To have belief - felicity exists.

I wish you happiness, 
Happiness in this great world
Let him to visit homes 
In the mornings to wake up
I wish you happiness, 
And it should be so great
That feeling of being happy 
Calls you to share it. 

In the world where no rest for winds, 
Marine weather says what will be dawn 
Where in far road
We often dream the home 
It's necessary at any kind of storm
To be sure in someone's loving glance
Such a very kind of glance
Comforting us with warmth

I wish you happiness, 
Happiness in this great world
Let him to visit homes 
In the mornings to wake up
I wish you happiness, 
And it should be so great
That feeling of being happy 
Calls you to share it.  

I wish you happiness, 
Happiness in this great world
Let him to visit homes 
In the mornings to wake up
I wish you happiness, 
And it should be so great
That feeling of being happy 
Calls you to share it. 

I wish you happiness,
I wish you happiness, 
I wish you happiness !!!

By BORIS K'ZORINthe another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA

October 16, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

WALTZ (ВАЛЬС) ©, 2012

Again from my past musical collection.

WALTZ (ВАЛЬС) ©, 2012

To get this beautiful atmosphere dance walk with the link just below (the second front picture is applied and also provided within this post – you are in a white dress)

Song “background” is here: - Do not click on it here, but copy it by "Ctrl + C" and then put it in your browser line by "Ctrl + V"; then click on “Вальс” - it is a first line on a list you see; now you have the text to sing before your eyes and beautiful music in background; Enjoy!

(Just in the case if the link above fails  do steps, as follows: - Locate an album and then (1) click on “Вальс”, then (2) click a button “Play” (it’s placed above music and accords), in the look-up list chose the same button again under name “Вальс. прослушать:” and (3) click on it. Crazy navigation, you know, but worth to listen to original, I guarantee! )

This is my second romance-like translation based on the words of author Svetlana Kovaleva and music of composer Alexander Ivanov; performer – Oksana Molodtsova. Enjoy the world of a beauty!

This Snow-storm is like helpmate
Flies like Swallow against the sky
Thoughts - songbirds running around
Thinking about my happiness - you!

Beautiful look, tender and warmth
Sizzling your partner brighter then light
Oh, do not harm me, mister, for nothing
Please, do not harm me, by passion of you

Wonderful waltz almost the Viennese
Hug me with fondness, be me a friend
Only, I am asking while we’re dancing
Do not you break peace of my mind

As if in a frenzy, we - whirling dancers
Ballroom is melting under the heels
We, like the birds, rushing at edge
Just otherwise, we would not be expressed

Wonderful waltz almost the Viennese
Hug me with fondness, be me a friend
Only, I am asking while we’re dancing
Do not you break peace of my mind

Wonderful waltz almost the Viennese
Hug me with fondness, be me a friend
Only, I am asking while we’re dancing
Do not you break peace of my mind

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2012

You are welcome -

"ADVISEME AGAIN" ™ ©, 2012

Like with me one from my first works written and published through my Facebook page on October 26, 2012. It was prompted by my then finding of performance the "Besame mucho" by legendary The Beatles and as such some words from an original are kept untouched.

(If you want to listen the original "Besame mucho" music copy in your browser line link to another Spanish style tune, but do not click on it here.)


Hello, everybody! This is my new work product. As you know or already should have known I do not translate songs that sound in my soul, blindly from their original text, like for academic purposes. From teenage I am kidding myself that I do not have teacher’s skills, but some (solid already – it’s time) knowledge and abilities to locate interests in common things, but again through myself. There are my interpretation and expressions with the music that sounds in me, so this is me and that fb-assignment “what’s on your mind” again. Enjoy!

The Beatles performance song, under which impression my interpretation was written is here: - Copy it by "Ctrl + C" and then put it in your browser line by "Ctrl + V"; now you have the text to sing before your eyes and beautiful music in background; enjoy!

Guide me, prompt me decision
I so much want to establish
Something for today
So, "Guide me, prompt me decision
What can I leave Angelenos
Who now with me"

Ooh, my honey, you shouldn’t’ve left me
Then when little dream could have wings
And, my life shouldn’t’ve be so through
Oh, guide me, prompt me decision
I love you forever
Make all our dreams come true

Ooh, this joy is something new
My fingers keyboarding web
I never knew this thrill before
Who ever thought I'd be
Holding the dream with me
Whispering, "Where are you? – I’m alive"

Ooh, my beauty, you shouldn’t’ve left me
Then when little dream could have wings
And, my life shouldn’t’ve be so through
Oh, guide me, prompt me decision
I love you forever
Make all our dreams come true

Ooh, this joy is something new
I believe when I am looking for you
I never knew this thrill before
Who ever thought I'd be
Holding you close to me
Whispering, "You - I knew that"

Ooh, my sunny, you shouldn’t’ve left me
Then when little dream could have wings
And, my life shouldn’t’ve be so through
Oh, guide me, prompt me decision
You’ll be never forgotten
Make all our dreams come true

Ooh, love me forever
Make all our dreams come true
Ooh love me forever
Make all our dreams come true

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2012

You are welcome -

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