Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Song of Alice (Alice in Wonderland - Russian version) ©, 2014

     In opposition to Carroll's own character, which is not located by me yet in English version, the Alice (main) character is always attractive, kind of.

There is anyway the same difference between cultures and their expressions and as such Alice songs do not sound similar to each other in different languages. E.g., "In A World Of My Own" (written in English):

All the flowers
Would have very
Extra special powers
They would sit
And talk to me for hours

When I'm lonely
In a world of my own

There'd be new birds
Lots of nice and friendly
How-do'ya do birds
Everyone would have
A dozen blue birds
Within that world of my own ...

As this elementary ABC was not impressive to me in any possible way, even as a potential presentation, say, before kids .., wait, what was Alice' age when she decides to follow Rabbit?

A-ha, cool?
Fortunately  there is a correct Russian expression of her thoughts at the age of first reasonable sufferings.  I hope you can enjoy this with support of music at  

                                                                                        Alice's Adventures in  Wonderland 

I'm terribly bored, I am just exhausted.
Disturbing and enticing thoughts appear
Why not if I would be, by someone invited
O gosh, I would able to see something through

But what is exactly - I really don't know.
All the tips from around excitedly wrong
"You, have a read," and obeying I'm reading
"You, have a play," well, I'm amusing my cat
However, I am terribly bored
Sir! Believe and take Alice with you!

I so wish in real, I'd like it so much
Someday and somehow get taken from home -
Just suddenly be on the top and among
Inside of the world where everything is different! ..

But what is exactly - I really don't know.
All the tips from around excitedly wrong
"You, have a read," and obeying I'm reading
"You, have a play," well, I'm amusing my cat
However, I am terribly bored
Sir! Believe and take Alice with you!

Let in my home get started a real one flurry
Let the punishment threatens - I agree, -
Closing my eyes I am counting up to three ...
What would be the next! I am awfully worried!

But what is exactly - I really don't know.
All is upside-down already with hotness of noon
"Should I read?" - I am sitting and playing
"Should I play?" - Together with cat we are reading
However, I am terribly bored
Sir! As for real, may I follow you!

* - I dislike not well contexted lyrics of any author, but I could like "The Song of Carroll" (I renamed my translation into "The Dodo Bird's Song"**) from the first look and, of course, because of Zara.
I felt something missed here and this way ... I have discovered Natalia Podolskaya.

** -  see just previous post in this blog

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2014


ORIGINAL RUSSIAN LYRIC     -   sure, written by Vladimir Vysotsky (1973)

Я страшно скучаю, я просто без сил.
И мысли приходят - маня, беспокоя,-
Чтоб кто-то куда-то меня пригласил
И там я увидела что-то такое!..

Но что именно - право, не знаю.
Все советуют наперебой:
"Почитай",- я сажусь и читаю,
"Поиграй",- ну, я с кошкой играю,-
Все равно я ужасно скучаю!
Сэр! Возьмите Алису с собой!

Мне так бы хотелось, хотелось бы мне
Когда-нибудь, как-нибудь выйти из дому -
И вдруг оказаться вверху, в глубине,
Внутри и снаружи,- где все по-другому!..

Но что именно - право, не знаю.
Все советуют наперебой:
"Почитай",- я сажусь и читаю,
"Поиграй",- ну, я с кошкой играю,-
Все равно я ужасно скучаю!
Сэр! Возьмите Алису с собой!

Пусть дома поднимется переполох,
И пусть наказанье грозит - я согласна,-
Глаза закрываю, считаю до трех...
Что будет, что будет! Волнуюсь ужасно!

Но что именно - право, не знаю.
Все смешалось в полуденный зной:
Почитать? - Я сажусь и играю,
Поиграть? - Ну, я с кошкой читаю,-
Все равно я скучать ужасаю!
Сэр! Возьмите Алису с собой!

*** 1973 ***

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