Traditional Introduction
The song below was planned to be represented a long time ago just because of high Los Angeles, California tolerance - a life here is a true melting pot, you know: everybody does its own business and all of us are just nice people. Now I represent my first 2015 expression for your judgment and enjoyment. And what is special this translation is slightly supported by imposed on me legal barriers I could successfully defeat on my own. Wow!
Yap, good things are really happened, so I have just discovered that I had successfully won in the past 2014 year all my legal copyright battles and was, finally, supported by Google-YouTube Host. So, be sure, the freedom of expression in America is not so easy, as it is advertised, especially if you are not strong enough. So this is my proud and legal proof:
[ Re: New YouTube Copyright Counter Notification
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Vladimir Vysotsky's Legacy
The verses 5 and 6 are omitted at this link performance
The verses 5 and 6 are omitted at this link performance
Someone believes in any God, in Jesus or Muhammad
Another one is not believer even in the beast,
The good religion came up to us with Hindus:
It says that since we'll leave, we're are not going to die
Remember that you soul was going always up -
So you will get reborn again with all your dreams,
But if you chose to live in dirty like a pig -
You gonna stay a pig and certainly forever.
Let them to look askance at you - get used to such reproach
As an alleged shame, well, you'll born again be ready yet to taunt
And if you saw the death of any enemy already at your life,
In your another life you will be granted, sure, with keen eye
Take easy every holy day and everything
Enjoy just all around you can see and feel
This way, you know, things are happened
You soul'll dwell in body of the big one boss
Such situations are all true imaginations:
Someone in past was proud and respectful, but was reborn completely stupid once again
If such occasion makes you not fully or just little happy
Say thank you to The God, for not being born an animal or any beast
It's better just to put it into business than
Collect all grievances, frustrations from a life
Because if after all, you'll develop a pettiness
You gonna get a chance of reaching just a real nit
Say, you can live a cleaner, to be reborn in supervisor
From being superintendent to member of the government for us
But if you dumb as oak tree - you will reborn as baobab
And you will stay as baobab for thousand of years ahead
Annoying is a parrot's life
Or as a viper, which was granted a long life
Whether it's not, that better is in your lifetime
Continue to be and always a decent one man
But who was who, and who was then we never know all of that for sure
As those genetics lost all minds from genes and chromosomes
Perhaps the shabby cat in neighborhood was previously villain
And this nice looking man was previously known as good dog
I'm jumping for a joy just up to skies
I developed my abilities to skip temptations
Believe, this all is Truth
Convenient religion of Hindus
Necessary notes, sure, credited, here as a courtesy of WordWebDictionary :-)
1 - Prophet from Nazareth, the founder of Christianity
(circa 4 BC - AD 29)
2 - The Arab prophet, the last messenger of Allah
(AD 570 - 632)
3 - The Arabic word for God (al ilāh, literally "the
4 - A native or inhabitant of Hindustan or India, or who
adheres to Hinduism
the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015
You are welcome -
Am Dm
Кто верит в Магомета, кто в Аллаха, кто в Иисуса
G G7 C
Кто ни во что не верит, даже в чёрта назло всем
Dm Am
Хорошую религию придумали индусы -
E Am
Что мы, отдав концы не умираем насовсем
Dm Am
Стремится ввысь душа твоя
A7 Dm
Родишься вновь с мечто-ою
Но если жил ты как свинья
E Am
Останешся свиньё-ою
Пусть косо смотрят на тебя - привыкни к укоризне
Досадно - что ж, родишься вновь - на колкости горазд
И если видел смерть врага ещё при этой жизни,
В другой тебе дарован будет верный зоркий глаз
Живи себе нормальненько
Есть повод веселиться
И может быть в начальника
Душа твоя вселится
Такие ситуации простор воображенью
Был гордым и почтенным, а родился дураком
А если мало радует такое положение
Скажи ещё спасибо что не сделался скотом
Уж лучше сразу в дело чем
Копить свои обиды
Ведь если будешь мелочен
Докатишься до гниды
Пускай живёшь ты дворником родишься вновь прорабом,
А после из прораба до министра дорастёшь
Но если туп как дерево - родишься баобабом
И будешь баобабом тыщу лет, пока помрёшь.
Досадно попугаем жизнь
Гадюкой с длинным веком
Не лучше ли при жизни быть
Приличным человеком
Да кто был кто, да кто был кем мы никогда не знаем
С ума сошли генетики от ген и хромосом
Быть может тот облезлый кот был раньше негодяем
А этот милый человек был раньше добрым псом
Я от восторга прыгаю
Я обхожу искусы
Удобную религию
Придумали индусы
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