Friday, January 6, 2017



     Couple years back I have started to post here at my blog initially based on made by me Singing Translations of lyrics that I would like to share with ... "the rest of the world"  - I like this English term of expression ;-))) - just to let you know about my style and vision. Later on I have stopped the established way of presentation of my works given priority to My Own Performance  first, and to that blog already secondly. And, sure, at this point of update I may already claim about having my complete authorship for some works, as copyright for lyrics, music and first, author's performance. 

But, as of today I am still warming my voice up, sure, it takes time. The first song in the list is really My First Public Appearance - so help me God ;-) and bless my hypothetical audience too. Welcome!

P.S. Description to my works is given separately and individually to all and each of them, so do not hesitate to read that. Thanks.

Sincerely Yours,



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