Tuesday, January 26, 2016

MY PD AND DETECTIVE HACK ©, 2016 - based on "Gleb Zheglov and ... ' The Lyube' band (RUS) "

Performance of 
Rock Band "Lyube", (RUS)  

     So, I 'm coming back to capture my peace of mind, from which I was suddenly and violently removed by unleashed city business needs flourishing at my residence. This my work has appeared kind of related allegory, ... California State Assembly Bill AB-109, which is about politicians' guess of career criminals' re-education is admitted at least as not thought well and as such has failed. Really, LACBOS knows.


At PD today is late meeting
Gathering's held by Detective Hack
Calculated all reasons suspicions ... 
To get ringleader and gang!

Saying: "Criminal joints spread around so easy
Crooks broke down predictably deep
No jobs, sales of drugs just get higher
And inciter is mocking us!"


Yikes! Call 911 more active, folk
Yikes, Go dancing boys and love your girls
Yikes! Let them remember us as well,
Assembly Bill One-Oh ... Nine, One-One
Yikes-yikes! (the whoop is repeated 7 times)

There're lights at police residences
Hack-Detective on duties - no sleep
So well known by signatures gangs
Let them fear of our guys!

Hack-Detective on duties is strong
Earned in battles orders
After so peaceful workday completed
Just be certain country in us!


Yikes! Call 911 more active, folk
Yikes, Go dancing boys and love your girls
Yikes! Let them remember us as well,
Assembly Bill One-Oh ... Nine, One-One


Yikes! Call 911 more active, folk
Yikes, Go dancing boys and love your girls
Yikes! Let them remember us as well,
Assembly Bill One-Oh ... Nine, One-One
 Yikes-yikes! (the whoop is repeated 7 times)


the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -

Notes of translator/interpreter:

This translation is based on the Russian popular movie of 70s and its cover song of 90s under title "Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov" (In Russian: Глеб Жеглов и Володя Шарапов) - police officers of resurgent then, after WWII, militia. By the way the role of police chief in this movie is played by legendary Vladimir Vysotsky, who was a famous Russian singer-songwriter, poet, and actor whose career had an immense and enduring effect on Soviet and Russian culture, as well as on world. The link to movie and music --- youtube.com/watch?v=ywQ6eY_GDPQ

"The Lyube" is a Russian rock band from Lubertsy, a suburb of Moscow. Lyube's music is a mixture of several genres, with influences from both Russian folk music, rock, Russian chanson, and Soviet military songs (Wikipedia). The link to Lyube music --- youtube.com/watch?v=fOHaVALnUa0.



Глеб Жеглов и Володя Шарапов

Глеб Жеглов и Володя Шарапов
За столом засиделись не зря..
Глеб Жеглов и Володя Шарапов
Ловят банду и главаря!

Расцвела буйным цветом малина,
Разухабилсь разная тварь
Хлеба нет, а полно гуталина,
Да глумится горбатый главарь -


Атас, ей, веселей, рабочий класс, 
Атас, танцуйте, мальчики, любите девочек,
Атас! Пускай запомнят нынче нас,
Малина-ягода, атас (и так раз 8)

До утра не погаснет окошко,
Глеб Жеглов и Володя не спят,
Пресловутая черная кошка
Забоится наших ребят!
(на полтона выше)

Глеб Жеглов и Володя Шарапов
Заслужили в боях ордена!
После мирного дня трудового,
Будь спокойна, родная страна!


Атас, ей, веселей, рабочий класс, 
Атас, танцуйте, мальчики, любите девочек,
Атас! Пускай запомнят нынче нас,
Малина-ягода, ата-атас 



Eй, веселей, рабочий класс, атаc 
Атас, танцуйте, мальчики, любите девочек,
Атас! Пускай запомнят нынче нас,
Малина-ягода, атаc (и так раз 8) 


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Basta! --- "The Catch 16™ Project for SpaceX Reusable 'Pipe'." ©, 2016 (Try to get an instruction on barge image.)

@NASA "The ultimate measure of men is ... 
where they stand at times of challenge 
and controversy" ... on Earth. 
Hope Mars goes different ;-)

BORIS K'ZORIN (@f4glory) | Twitter

     So, I am still on my way back to capture my peace of mind, from which I was suddenly and violently removed by unleashed "City Business", which unceremoniously demanded from me my sleeping knowledge in the field of criminal justice, commonly known as Administration of Justice. Such an administration is kinda destructible, really. However, you see above my the highly ranked as of today tweet I have posted just to show all that I am higher (at least I have attempted to be higher)  and I am over those surrounding me today challenges and controversies ... It works for me.

     My another (again related!) tweet was posted just in prediction of that highlighted above and it says (not sells ;-))) - your best guess is appreciated): "When people worship anything by following it unlimitedly they lose the natural feeling of reality and as such become manipulated or used."

     There was happened my modest, but practical  contribution into space exploration business, provoked by SpaceX repeated hard landing and ... ocean pollution.

     We have a good guy here in States, the true Maecenas, known by his successful businesses as PayPal, Tesla ... and SpaceX. So latter, I believe, is happened with the maecenas who just got a victim of spendthrifts, routinely spending a lot of money to pursue risky landing of the first stage of a space rocket on unstable surface. Sure such stars are not reachable for us, people, so I did my push through Microsoft Twitter account of mine.

I did it only when the stubbornly next failure has made me reasonably crazy and I have just offer him to look wisely on cosmodrome images to get an issue up-close (sure, I am believer into Dilettante Method of Research). With very small corrections in American English style of writing done for your better reading there are tweets:

@elonmusk Since this is about unstable place of landing, the attention shall be paid HOW TO CATCH AND HOLD "PIPE", but on legs reliance.

(On a barge) transportation position of MECHANICAL CATCHERS YOU NEED to accommodate disobeying "pipe" depends from weather conditions.

Dealing with Sir Musk: The Catch 16™ Project for SpaceX Reusable 'Pipe'. Try to get an instruction on barge image." - Basta! Enough is enough. Let's go ahead, Sir!

Sure, there was my reasonable follow up, saying: "Mystic Fellows' mentality enjoying tweet of ISS water bubbles catch provokes Catch_16™ of "Pipe", so I'm sorry, Sir" ... for my emotional freedom of expression ...

@SpaceX@elonmusk Have you guys read INSTRUCTIONS? ;-))) Well, I have reprinted that on barge image, REREAD, pls. 

@elonmusk Addiction to hard landing on legs ONLY is irresponsible bcs. not-detected damages are threat of explosion within attempt to reuse.

@elonmusk As of returning minds to Earth: place a chicken egg on the car hood (well, let it would be Tesla) and speed a car variously.

So, like always I did my best, who knows ...

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -
