The voice of mine was then falsetto
When I was singing in teen age:
"A lone white sail steadfastly glistens"* -
In far its white was seen so well ...
The text on image says: Have a dream, it has a pleasant feature to become truth
Those days are gone, so I see world wide
It's stretched right in front of me ...
A lone white sail steadfastly glistens -
It always does, being my pure star.
My sign on image says: Just done with it ;-))
White sail in ocean - it seems a wing,
I beg it just must happen, it cannot miss of me
The white sail | of happy one childhood
Just be in view, white sail, I'm not awaiting more
Let this my life, as way of harshness,
Hits feet of mine so strongly | up to blood -
A lone white sail steadfastly glistens -
And calls to follow | its way.
Hits feet of mine so strongly | up to blood -
A lone white sail steadfastly glistens -
And calls to follow | its way.
If all of a sudden | high inheritance
Will be bestowed by fate of mine
A lone white sail steadfastly glistens -
As wing of hope over me
White sail in ocean - it seems a wing,
I beg it just must happen, it cannot miss of me
The white sail | of happy one childhood
Just be in view, white sail, I'm not awaiting more
The voice of mine was then falsetto
When I was singing in teen age:
"A lone white sail steadfastly glistens"* -
In far its white was seen so well ...
Music Evgeny Glebov,
Original lyrics was written by Olga,
wife of singer and composer Bulat Okudzhava
Famous performer:
An instrumental ensemble "Verasy" ("Heather Flowers")
of Republic of Belarus, 1971 --- linked above.
the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016
You are welcome -
Author of Translation/Interpretation comments:
1. There is a phrase in a second line of first verse that belongs and and as such it is linked to the famous verse of 1832 of Mikhail Lermontov, Russian poet, the English translation of which is credited to Belyaeva Dina (stihi.ru/2012/07/09/978). I found it fully appropriate because in that author's interpretation "the white sail" has been carrying an action, but just appearance, e.g. "a lone white sail's in huge ocean", or content "a lone white sail - a hope of mine" etc.
Срывался голос мой высокий,
Когда я в раннем детстве пел:
«Белеет парус одинокий»,-
И он белел, белел, белел...
Те дни прошли, и мир широкий
Раскинулся передо мной...
Белеет парус одинокий
Все той же чистою звездой.
Белый парус - тонкое крыло,
Только б это было, только б не прошло...
Белый парус детства моего,
Ты белей, мой парус, больше ничего.
Пусть жизнь моя, как путь жестокий,
Мне в кровь подошвы изобьет,-
Белеет парус одинокий
И за собой зовет, зовет.
И если вдруг удел высокий
Дарован будет мне судьбой,-
Белеет парус одинокий
Крылом надежды надо мной.
Белый парус - тонкое крыло,
Только б это было, только б не прошло...
Белый парус детства моего,
Ты белей, мой парус, больше ничего.
Срывался голос мой высокий,
Когда я в раннем детстве пел:
«Белеет парус одинокий»,-
И он белел, белел, белел...
Музыка Евгения Глебова,
Cлова супруги Булата Окуджавы - Ольги
Famous performer:
An instrumental ensemble "Verasy" ("Heather Flowers")
of Republic of Belarus, 1971