Monday, May 23, 2016

In dedication of The Team of The First Human Expedition To Mars ©, 2016 --- The Part of The Project "Wisely With Dignity Sharing"

     The original name of song in this revival is literally "Hope" (In Russian "Надежда"). As it was some day already mentioned by me here, in this my blog, I can start any of my next work just being fascinated with the one only word in my next piece of sharing of my heritage. As of today there are wording as "hope" and "compass" ...

     This revival is dedicated by me to the members of the Team of The First Human Expedition To Mars. The musical support - instrumental, try here:анна-герман-надежда-11705


(Revival by BORIS K'ZORIN)анна-герман-надежда-11705

There're light of Sun that's slightly cooler,
So we joke while write exploring statement,
Purely control signals entertaining us,
And spaceports unfriendly smiling robots.
There're permanently dusty storms,
No blue skies and not yet greeny floras,
Here on an unknown to us path
We have chance to make breakthrough in research ... 

The Hope - my compass from Earth
And good luck  as a reward for courage.
Well, singing ... we wish only that
About the sweeties and home

Just believe, that here far away
Nothing's lost from sight due cause job.
We've arrived for planting trees 
Building towns's also within mission.
We shall learn to get relax and wait,
We are supposed to be calm and stubborn,
So we may receive being Martians
Joy be first from doling telegrams ...

The Hope - my compass from Earth
And good luck  as a reward for courage.
Well, singing ... we wish only that
About the sweeties and home

We cannot forget what's left on Earth
Songs of Firsts In Space so kindly offered 
So murmuring that recalls for us
Beauteous and lovely human faces
There's huge distance between us
And the years of very useful trainings
In the skies we see the planet Earth
Shining like a monument of hope.

The Hope - my compass from Earth
And good luck  as a reward for courage.
Well, singing ... we wish only that
About the sweeties and home.

Composer A. Pakhmutova (RU), 1973

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

Author of Translation/Interpretation comments:

1. Example of my struggles in Russian: Verse 2 lines 3,4 of original Russian version of a song (translated into English)

"They are melt, terrestrial storm clouds
And dissolved the left in past resentments"

(in all due respect the used original wording is italicized)
with all due respect to authors were found inappropriate as for my own mission to bear my cross and glorify heroes of space - sure, they got rewritten. Ahead and forward! Only.

2. Example of my struggles in English:

In Verse 1

We're again on space exploring mission,
Milliones of miles that separate all us
And spaceports unfriendly smiling robots.

So we joke while write exploring statement,
Purely control signals entertaining us,
And spaceports unfriendly smiling robots.



Светит незнакомая звезда,
Снова мы оторваны от дома,
Снова между нами города,
Взлетные огни аэродромов.
Здесь у нас туманы и дожди,
Здесь у нас холодные рассветы,
Здесь на неизведанном пути
Ждут замысловатые сюжеты...


Надежда - мой компас земной,
А удача - награда за смелость.
А песни... довольно одной,
Чтоб только о доме в ней пелось.

Ты поверь, что здесь, издалека,
Многое теряется из виду.
Тают грозовые облака.
Кажутся нелепыми обиды.
Надо только выучиться ждать,
Надо быть спокойным и упрямым,
Чтоб порой от жизни получать
Радости скупые телеграммы...


Надежда - мой компас земной,
А удача - награда за смелость.
А песни... довольно одной,
Чтоб только о доме в ней пелось.

И забыть по-прежнему нельзя
Все, что мы когда-то недопели,
Милые усталые глаза,
Синие московские метели...
Снова между нами города,
Жизнь нас разлучает, как и прежде,
В небе незнакомая звезда
Светит, словно памятник надежде.


Надежда - мой компас земной,
А удача - награда за смелость.
А песни... довольно одной,
Чтоб только о доме в ней пелось.

Cлова Н. Добронравова
Музыка А. Пахмутовой


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