Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Boston Waltz ©, 2016 --- Lyrics of Alexander Rosenbaum

     Well, as God works in mysterious ways, so audience does ;-) ...
    So we are continuing with the classic - Alexander Rosenbaum, musician, songwriter, doctor, actor - who knows a life better. By the way the modern singers in this genre, such as Mikhail Shufutinsky often sing Rosenbaum's songs.

"How often do I see the dream, 
my wonderful dream
Please do not leave and stay 
with me, you are my whim.

Getting drunk from delectation," 
I don't feel my years ...



On a carpet from yellow leaves in a simple frock
Sewn from crepe de chine as a gift from autumnal wind   
Golden autumn was dancing in driveway the Boston Waltz
The warm one day came over and saxophone voice was fazed

And from all around people come to us,
And from all the neighboring roofs came flying birds
Flapping with their wings in admiration of our golden dancer
Oh, how long, how long the music was played there.

How often do I see the dream, my wonderful dream
As Autumn dances for all of us the Boston-waltz.
The leaves are falling while gramophone record is playing
Please do not leave and stay with me, you are my whim.

How often do I see the dream, my wonderful dream
As Autumn dances for all of us the Boston-waltz.

Getting drunk from delectation, it forgot about years 
The old house - it fell in love with the early days -   
Swayed by walls and  made its windows opened,
It just gave miracle to all those, who lived in it.

When waltz sounds tailed off in the gloom of night,
As we know everything has end and its origin,
The Golden autumn getting sad, just cried as a little rain has fallen
 Oh, yes, the waltz is beautiful, so comfortable in it.

How often do I see the dream, my wonderful dream
As Autumn dances for all of us the Boston-waltz.
The leaves are falling while gramophone record is playing
Please do not leave and stay with me, you are my whim.

How often do I see the dream, my wonderful dream
As Autumn dances for all of us the Boston-waltz.

The Image of Viennese Waltz in Austria

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

Notes of translator/interpreter:

Wikipedia says, as follows: "The Boston refers to a series of various step dances, considered a slow Americanized version of the waltz presumably named after where it originated. It is completed in one measure with the weight kept on the same foot through two successive beats. The "original" Boston is also known as the New York Boston or Boston Point."

The sample of a link to original tune of the translated song is here:




На ковре из жёлтых листьев в платьице простом,
Из подаренного ветром крепдешина,
Танцевала в подворотне осень вальс-бостон,
Отлетал тёплый день и хрипло пел саксофон.

И со всей округи люди приходили к нам,
И со всех окрестных крыш слетались птицы,
Танцовщице золотой захлопав крыльями,
Как давно, как давно звучала музыка там.

Как часто вижу я сон, мой удивительный сон
В котором осень нам танцует вальс-бостон.
Там листья падают вниз, пластинки крутится диск,
Не уходи, побудь со мной, ты мой каприз.

Как часто вижу я сон, мой удивительный сон
В котором осень нам танцует вальс-бостон.

Опьянев от наслажденья, о годах забыв,
Старый дом, давно влюбленный в свою юность,
Всеми стенами качался, окна отворив,
И всем тем, кто в нём жил, он это чудо дарил.

А когда затихли звуки в сумраке ночном,
Всё имеет свой конец, своё начало,
Загрустив, всплакнула осень маленьким дождём,
Ах, как жаль этот вальс, как хорошо было в нём.

Как часто вижу я сон, мой удивительный сон
В котором осень нам танцует вальс-бостон.
Там листья падают вниз, пластинки крутится диск,
Не уходи, побудь со мной, ты мой каприз.

Как часто вижу я сон, мой удивительный сон
В котором осень нам танцует вальс-бостон.

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