Wednesday, March 23, 2016

In dedication of One-Year Mission: Gravitation of Earth ©, 2016 --- The Song from Heritage of The Firsts in The Space

     Today translation of mine as for the next song about cosmonautics/astronautics was done under inspiration of image of our Space Hero astronaut Scott Kelly, visiting The Star City (Russia). It is a truly good sign that all the best is yet to come (as it was claimed by my U.S. President) and the fact that our politicians have failed again, when they have been deciding about some distance between two world leaders ... 

Together We Are Stand!
Credit to


It is always immense, gravitation of Earth -
Gravitation of fields and sad willows on it.
And we feel all those roads before start we've assigned
As well roads ahead that we have to proceed.

There're mountains seeable high,
There steppes are endless,
There're winds always flying,
Through expanses do dust.
We - children of Galaxy, 
But, what's more important,
We're your children forever,
Our Planet of Earth!

Gravitation of fields, gravitation of gardens
And sunsets, and pine trees in the fluff of the snow;
Of small villages as well as cities that big 
And night fire at the empty one shore at the sea.

There're mountains seeable high,
There steppes are endless,
There're winds always flying,
Through expanses do dust.
We - children of Galaxy, 
But, what's more important,
We're your children forever,
Our Planet of Earth!

It is not gonna change all this order of things,
Hence it always got me, and recall I myself
Gravitation of Earth, gravitation of fields,
Gravitation of darling in the window that's far.

There're mountains seeable high,
There steppes are endless,
There're winds always flying,
Through expanses do dust.
We - children of Galaxy, 
But, what's more important,
We're your children forever,
Our Planet of Earth!

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

The author of translation/interpretation above comments:

1. First verse, line three: in original - "all those roads in the childhood we chose", however the song is dedicated for cosmonauts/astronauts, so I feel free to adjust it for worldwide popularization, why not!

2.  It was a long time ago ... so as of today see here a beautiful modern performance by a new generation




At Star City - Together We Are Stand!
Credit to

Как безмерно оно, притяженье земли -
Притяженье полей и печальных ракит.
Тех дорог, по которым мы в детстве прошли,
И дорог, по которым пройти предстоит.

The wording on paper cap on the girl in the middle is says  The Mars! (Moscow, 1961)

Там горы высокие,
Там степи бескрайние,
Там ветры летят,
По просторам пылят.
Мы - дети галактики,
Но самое главное,
Мы - дети твои,
Дорогая Земля!

Притяженье полей, притяженье ракит
И закатов, и сосен в пушистом снегу.
Небольших деревень и больших городов,
И ночного костра на пустом берегу.

Там горы высокие,
Там степи бескрайние,
Там ветры летят,
По просторам пылят.
Мы - дети галактики,
Но самое главное,
Мы - дети твои,
Дорогая Земля!

Не изменится этот порядок вещей,
И настигнет меня, и припомнится мне.
Притяженье земли, притяженье полей,
Притяженье любимой в далеком окне.

А там горы высокие,
Там степи бескрайние,
Там ветры летят,
По просторам пылят.
Мы - дети галактики,
Но самое главное,
Мы - дети твои,
Дорогая Земля!

Слова: Р.Рождественский, слова: Д.Тухманов

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