Wednesday, April 27, 2016

WAVES OF SANTA MONICA BAY ©, 2016 --- Remake and Revival based on "Waves of Amur (Bay)" composed by Max Kuß (Russian Empire, 1905)

Re: invasion of privacy ... at my Twitter. 
"Entered the Earth's shadow. In the shadow. 
I am fine. Now I translate into English 
"Waives of Amur (Bay)"*. So far I dream 
to visit City of Vladivostok ... 

But The Mars has also pulled in ...


     This Remake is the next waltz in my series of of literary works as "WISELY WITH DIGNITY SHARING" represented before this blog audience. 

     The waltz "Waves of Amur (Bay)" is popular in many countries around the world. Usually it is sung by choirs. This Waltz entered into the history of the first space flight by citations from cosmonaut Jury Gagarin space flight log, which is humorously paraphrased by me just above ;-))

     To the shame of Japanese educational system it is uncommon for Japanese immigrants and students to know where The City of Vladivostok is situated ... Well, maybe my overseas neighbors know better where Santa Monica Bay is ...

     So I decide to connect and perpetuate them both "Silver Amor Waves" and "Santa Monica Bay" of Our Pacific Ocean. My written communication with authorities of Santa Monica Bay cities has just started and it is available at the very end of this posting. Enjoy. 

(Remake and Revival by BORIS K'ZORIN)

Smoothly Amor moves its waves to us,
Storms of Pacific sing songs all for that.
Quietly noises the traffic at Bay*,
Foamy wave goes
Bubbly wave splashes,
It is stately and it's free.

Where sunrise beautifies everything,
And seagulls sing their songs over Bay.
Music of waltz sounds in every soul.
We're get inspired
Inspiration's shared
All it's carried far away.

There's greatness of the beauty
In the waves ... from Amor
Silver Amor waves
Silver Amor waves
They're proud to be loved

They are splashed with full forces,
Waves strive to overseas,
Silver Amor waves
Silver Amor waves
They're proud carrying Love

Cupid in beautiful wave,
It breathes with Liberty breath
The wave knows -
That Pacific cares well

They are quiet | beaches at Bay
They're covered | with golden sand
The wave breathes -
With all marvelous lulu

Our Pacific's dignified
While it's bothered by storms
Nothing changes our love
Waves run and make us brave.

Cultural mosaic's dignified
While it grows countrywide
Nothing changes our love
And United, We Are Stand!

Smoothly Amor moves its waves to us,
Storms of Pacific sing songs all for that.
Quietly noises the traffic at Bay*,
Foamy wave goes
Bubbly wave splashes,
It is stately and it's free.

Composer Max Kuß  (Kuss, Maks Avel'yevich 1905)
Lyric by BORIS K'ZORIN (2016)

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

Author of translation/Interpretation comments:

1. The waltz was written by Max Kuß (Max Kuss) in the period of his service as bandmaster of the 11th East Siberian regiment, stationed in 1903 in the City of Vladivostok, located at Amur Bay of The Peter the Great Gulf as the east part of Pacific Ocean (Russia).  

2. So, Amur Bay is a northwestern part of Peter the Great Gulf. Its length is 65 km, width is 10–20 km, and depth is approximately 20 m. Amur Bay is a popular recreation area in Primorsky Krai (Wikipedia).

3. By the way in Russian that what is Amore in Latin (Amor in Spanish etc.) is pronounced as Amur, thought initially with same mentioning of god of Love (Eros, Cupid etc.) 

4. The logbook of Gagarin is kept in the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics of Tsiolkovsky. Here is his message while he was in a space: "9.33. Entered the Earth's shadow. 9.42 In the shadow. I am fine. I hear (a music of) "Waives of Amur (Bay)".

5. Thought that the waltz may be listen to at Saluton! - the found confusion was noted and clarified by me immediately, as follows: "Do Not Confuse Folk, "Che Guevara" ;-)) The  claimed by you waltz was written by Max Kuss in the period of his service as bandmaster of the 11th East Siberian regiment, stationed in Vladivostok in 1903, but this one IS NOT DEDICATED to fallen comrades in Russian-Japanese War. This one was resulted in unhappy love of composer to the wife of the commander of the regiment where he had served ..."

6. ... The waltz, which dedicated to Russian-Japanese War was misrepresented in upcoming soviet time as a requiem and it is known as "On The Hills of Manchuria". Such a historical lapse over the beautiful music was just corrected by me - see "WALTZING AROUND THE WORLD I ©, 2016 --- Remake and Revival based on 'Russian National Waltz' composed by I. Shatrov (Russian Empire, 1906)".

7. The waltz in its original has beautiful wording, so I did my best at this time in my next remake to keep it, as it was prompted to me ...

* - Santa Monica Bay includes famous places of: Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, Venice, Marina del Rey, Playa del Rey, El Segundo, El Porto, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes.


Smoothly Amor moves its waves to us,
Storms of Pacific sing songs all for that.
Quietly noises the traffic at Bay*,
Police sirens emit
Bubbly wave splashes,
We are lovely - we are free ;-)

Sound support for the fun verse above hinted to what that might have not intended to be displayed once - 

Google Images Are Applied


Наехали ... на мoй Твиттер.  
"Вышел в тень Земли. 
В тени. Самочувствие хорошее. 
Перевожу «Амурские волны»."*

До сих пор мечтаю 
побывать во Владивостоке, 
... но на Марс тоже тянет.

Вальс популярен во многих странах мира. Его поют хоровые коллективы во многих странах. Этот вальс вошел в историю первого космического полета.


Плавно Амур свои волны несет,
Ветер сибирский им песни поет.
Тихо шумит над Амуром тайга,
Ходит пенная волна,
Пенная волна плещет,
Величава и вольна.

Там, где багряное солнце встает,
Песню матрос на Амуре поет.
Песня летит над широкой рекой.
Льется песня широко,
Песня широко льется
И несется далеко.

Красоты и силы полны,
Хороши Амура волны.
Серебрятся волны,
Серебрятся волны,
Славой Родины горды.

Плещут, плещут силы полны,
И стремятся к морю волны,
Серебрятся волны,
Серебрятся волны,
Славой русскою горды.

Красива Амура волна,
И вольностью дышит она.
Знает волна —
Стерегут ее покой.

Спокойны реки берега.
На них золотая тайга.
Дышит волна
Ее чудной красотой.

Величав Амур седой,
Мы храним его покой.
Корабли вперед идут,
Волны бегут и бегут.

Тихо шумит над Амуром тайга,
Ходит пенная волна,
Пенная волна плещет,
Величава и вольна.

Музыка Марка Кюсса (1905)
Слова К. Васильева, С. Попова

1. Вальс был написан Максом Авельевичем Кюссом в период его службы капельмейстером 11-го Восточно-Сибирского полка, расквартированного во Владивостоке в 1903 году.

2. Под "амурскими волнами" подразумевались волны дальневосточных морей, а не волны реки Амур. Текст Васильева и Попова написан уже в советское время.

3. * В Государственном музее истории космонавтики имени К.Э. Циолковского хранится бортовой журнал Ю.А. Гагарина. 

Вот его запись:
«9.33. Вышел в тень Земли. 
9.42 В тени. Самочувствие хорошее. Слышу «Амурские волны».

Versions to listen to: - Alexandrov Red Army Choir - Neapolitan Ensemble

 Communication with authorities of Santa Monica Bay cities 

" Subject: Communication with local governments of Santa Monica Bay Cities of Los Angeles County:

Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica,  Venice, Marina del Rey, Playa del Rey.  El Segundo, El Porto, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes.

Other cities of LA CD11: Brentwood, Del Rey, Mar Vista, Los Angeles, Palms, Playa Vista, West Los Angeles, Westchester, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

     The waltz "Waves of Amur (Bay)" - so entitled originally by its composer - aka "Amur Waves" is popular in many countries around the world. It was written by Russian Empire (1721 - 1917) composer Max Kuß somewhere between 1903 - 1905 years ... in dedication to his unrequited love. The waltz is known in high society dancing communities and is performed by professional musicians through generations.

     The music is beautiful so it should not have missed by my attention. Often, in my hobby of songs popularization, I have been adjusting my works to environment of my New World. So I've done with it too. Really, there is a true connection: same Pacific Ocean for United States, as well as for Russia.

     Since I believe that cities of California Santa Monica Bay shall be familiar with it, like always I have been deciding to communicate with my Fellow Americans, who are as of today not in Russian community and share with them my lyrics, so that is to say to let Us Both to grow independently in a such art-related field of knowledge (recall that waltzes came from Vienna and Strauss). Thanks.


(Remake and Revival by BORIS K'ZORIN) 
(Recommended instrumental music where a short musical intros presents)

Smoothly Amor moves its waves to us,
Storms of Pacific sing songs all for that.
Quietly noises the traffic at Bay*,
Foamy wave goes
Bubbly wave splashes,
It is stately and it's free.

Where sunrise beautifies everything,
And seagulls sing their songs over Bay.
Music of waltz sounds in every soul.
We're get inspired
Inspiration's shared
All it's carried far away.

There's greatness of the beauty
In the waves ... from Amor
Silver Amor waves
Silver Amor waves
They're proud to be loved

They are splashed with full forces,
Waves strive to overseas,
Silver Amor waves
Silver Amor waves
They're proud carrying Love

Cupid in beautiful wave,
It breathes with Liberty breath
The wave knows -
That Pacific cares well

They are quiet | beaches at Bay
They're covered | with golden sand
The wave breathes -
With all marvelous lulu

Our Pacific's dignified
While it's bothered by storms
Nothing changes our love
Waves run and make us brave.

Cultural mosaic's dignified
While it grows countrywide
Nothing changes our love
And United, We Are Stand!

Smoothly Amor moves its waves to us,
Storms of Pacific sing songs all for that.
Quietly noises the traffic at Bay*,
Foamy wave goes
Bubbly wave splashes,
It is stately and it's free.

Composer Max Kuß (Russian Empire, 1905) 

Lyric by BORIS K'ZORIN, 
the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

1. Author's original comments to the lyrics above are available at

2. New special comments for SMB Cities are written below: 


- So I have decided to perpetuate Santa Monica Bay of California in the authorial work of mine, so, as my next step, I, thought reasonably, have been looking for considerably appropriate and related communication with you, professionals and amateurs of dancing (not social "sardines" club, but ballroom ;-)).

- I am not going to challenge any longer my Fellows' mentality, why the image of some sweet couple was placed within my blog publication, saying easy that in my authorial work the phrase "silver waves" is played out just as aged color of our hair. That is ;-) The Mona Lisa's smile is a plus, certainly. So I'm smiling ;-))

- Actually I am a proud medium of silver waives too, but who does care about a faithful widower with the sole love within his thirty years of marriage, really?

- To preserve my world (you shall realize as soon as possible that actually myself I am not from this world, and despite of being talkative I am not from "sales") I have been restarting ballroom dancing again. The passion that had connected us in the past. Yup, the idée fixe is still alive with me, being initially highlighted already in My First Musical Romance, dedicated to Rodeo Drive of The City of Beverly Hills - "City Beverly Hills, attracts stares of many ©, 2012. My very first revival of popular Russian romance"), which is also recommended to look into ...

     Well, there is other version to listen to of the claimed today waltz (with original Russian wording): - Alexandrov Red Army Choir, but the Neapolitan Ensemble is recommended, as clear instrumental support: ".

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

RUSSIAN NATIONAL WALTZ ©, 2016 --- Remake and Revival based on "Russian National Waltz" composed by Ilya Shatrov (Russian Empire, 1906)

Correcting the historical lapse 
with a lyric to the beautiful waltz ...
 just a probe and possible suggestion
 of the waltz composer's  true concerns and 
thoughts ...
 (See researcher's analysis below the lyric)

     This Remake is the next waltz in my series of of literary works as "WISELY WITH DIGNITY SHARING" represented before this blog audience. 

(Remake and Revival by BORIS K'ZORIN)

Also, in dedication of 110 years of this haunting waltz, aka "On the Hills of Manchuria"Вальс+На+сопках+Маньчжурии

Waltz's so divine
It's always brings relief
Let us imagine being there and dancing 
Once busy day completed

You may recall
That just many years in past
Waltzes were written for folk entertainment
Hence we still like all them

From Vienna waltzes of Strauss
Till all national waltzes worldwide
For our dames we are cavaliers
So we offer a tour of waltz 

May I offer to you tour of waltz
Heart is beating in rhyme of a dance
Keep be nice, agree and follow partner
And believe that he's always right

Heartily expressed 
By sensing right our time
We're gonna hit dance floor with figures
Waltz makes so friends at once

Let felicity will be with you
So let it go the Earth carousel
We gonna meet and winds, and storms
But the spring will come again.

The passersby will friendly smile
When they note your state of a mind
You gonna get that the wonderful day,
Flowers and rainbow are also for you!

National waltz
Written by Russian soul
Being so well known and danced around ...
It is very loved worldwide.

Dancing we fly
Over the ballroom floor
Dames accept cavaliers' dance offers
And really thankful to us.

From Vienna waltzes of Strauss
Till all national waltzes worldwide
For our dames we are cavaliers
So we offer a tour of waltz 

May I offer to you tour of waltz
Heart is beating in rhyme of a dance
Keep be nice, agree and follow partner

And believe that he's always right

Waltz's so divine, 
It may even serve stand-in
So let us dated at same ballroom dancing -
We're not gonna each other miss 


Composer Ilya Shatrov (1906)
Lyric by Boris K'Zorin (2016)

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -


So this waltz has been following me for years. Finally, I have decided to recreate the lyrics and I have started my research of the related historical events ...The lyric of mine was successfully completed on April 16, 2016. The text of research has been asking some proofreading (follow updates).

The first headache here was what language may be used by me in writing of lyrics, considering that my immediate previous work was done in English instantly. I have just occasionally run into that "Russian Waltz" by composer Pakhmutova while in reality I was looking for "Russian National Waltz" written by Russian Emperor Army bandmaster Ilya Shatrov. 

So the remake was done in English, to be a completely new work, and so is proudly claimed. Done!

Recall that:

Time came again,  time is to dance*
So I am choosing the Waltz
My heritage I'm keeping well
Wisely with dignity sharing

Finally, because I write for the rest of the world audience, but any fundraising of nostalgia, I chose English, and, agree, reasonably.


Ball   - a lavish dance requiring formal attire; my original version "time is for Ball*".
Figures - a predetermined set of movements in dancing 

As for verses 6 and 7 the credit is given to Madam Art's in this kind of expression @  I run, again, just occasionally and ... decided to save some time for a research, as well as to have an approach to "the rest of the world" (liked by me American expression).

Frustrated that Francis Goya has missed verses 4 and 7 in his interpretation aka "Memories of Manchuria", wasting my time to locate a clear one tune in Internet.


     I have found that the bandmaster Ilya Shatrov's copyrights, who was the native, and also the alumnus with musical education provided by Russian Empire, were violated! Not surprised. So was always. Even in the case when author's glory and his immortal works survive over centuries. Such we are people, not all similar to each other.

     As of today even a cursory scan of popular internet pages shows that the waltz of outstanding beauty was misrepresented by the time of troubles, and therefore came to be known simply as a requiem for the fallen heroes. 

     When in 1945, in the new historical conditions, the fighting with the Japanese army waged no longer the royal, but the Red Army, the lyric for the famous melody was again recreated by Paul Shubin. Latter was able significantly, but not completely eliminate a mournful background of the text, which certainly diminishes the quality of the product, but not merit of capelmeister Shatrov, author of the waltz. 

     In writing of the text of mine to the above stated waltz music I proceed from insight of historical facts already available to the general public, as well as from my understanding of the Russian soul, as unselfish and straightforward ... up to philanthropy. 

     A person, native of the Russian Empire, who was gifted with a sense of music since childhood, who  had earned, again, from the Russian Empire, his professional music education and was awarded the duties to serve as military musician, had lived in the world of music. Sure, he had treasured with his musical talent in the most natural way. Music was his best asset. And he gave it to people as his property just in the way of Russian nature, from his soul and from his heart.

     This is my understanding of the author's position is easily confirmed by the data on the will of the author: "Until the end of his days he, Ilya Shatrov, insisted that his work "On the Hills of Manchuria "-  is not a requiem to the rhythm of the waltz, but was supposed to be his declaration of his commitment to the country (of Russia)." 

     Unclear? Then, then follow me: the person, we are talking about, had served to homeland as the Russian Empire, the Revolution, and the Soviet Union consecutively in all three World War ... and after that his declaration of a true love to the country, saying it is the modern "Russian" language, "sucks" ... just because of the lack of membership in the official powerful structures within government at his time.

     Once again, slightly in a different wording.

     Nobody may deny the author's claim that the waltz was composed in dedication of memory of a military brotherhood, thought that the waltz was chosen as dedication to the fallen colleagues from that military band (the only seven musicians had survived and that certainly was psychological trauma). They all had lived in their world of music ... The composer follows up with clarification that while working under composition he was inspired by his commitment to the country and in a fact he has been expressing in a music his love to homeland. As we know arrogant politicians had failed and the waltz got established form of a requiem (thought, in a style of a waltz) ;-( ... that had provoked later a lot of alternative texts of doubtful quality.


1. The bandmaster Ilya Shatrov had composed the waltz in dedication of fallen brother-soldiers.

2. Waltz, written by the composer did not have even the text, because he was created not to be turn into a song.

3. Somehow waltz was noted by City of Samara (Russia) folklore author, who wrote the first draft to the waltz, which formed the basis to all his subsequent variations. Not only the waltz was ground into requiem, but also, already based on the underlying reason of mourning in the text from the "Wanderer" (penname) all subsequent authors excelled at full speed, ... up to an open Russian profanity.

4. Until the end of his days composer Ilya Shatrov insisted that "On the Hills of Manchuria" is not a requiem to the rhythm of the waltz, but his then emotionally expressed declaration of the love to the homerland.

5. The composer's sudden "acquaintance" Oskar Knaube, local music shop owner, who had immediately smelled his business opportunity while publishing, had helped the composer to publish his work ... a later had successfully claimed the acquired ownership of it.  

The Waltz is famous worldwide. It is forever haunting waltz.

Composer Ilya Shatrov (1906)
Lyric by BORIS K'ZORIN (2016)


В ознаменование 110 годовщины написания вальса более известного под названием "На сопках Маньчжурии"

     Авторские права Ильи Шатрова, уроженца и музыкального выпускника Российской Империи были нарушены! Удивляться тут нечему. Так было всегда. Даже если слава автора и его бессмертные произведения переживает века. Такие мы люди, разные.

     Сегодня, даже поверхностное сканирование популярных интернет сайтов чётко показывает, что потрясающей красоты вальс был исковеркан тем не простым смутным временем и потому стал известен просто как реквием павшим героям.

     Когда в 1945 в новых исторических условиях бои с японской армией вела уже не царская, а Красная Армия, текст песни на знаменитую мелодию был вновь воссоздан Павлом Шубиным, который сумел значительно, но не полностью исключить траурный задний план текста, который существенно снижает качество произведения, но не заслугу капельмейстера Шатрова, автора вальса.

     В написании моего текста к вышезаявленной музыке вальса я исхожу из прозрения исторических фактов уже доступных широкой публике и моего понимания русской души, как бескорыстной и прямодушной до ... филантропии.

     Человек, уроженец Российской Империи, одарённый чувством музыки с детства, получивший, опять же, от Российской Империи профессиональное музыкальное образование и профессионалную службу музыкантом, жил в мире музыки и дорожил своим музыкальным талантом самым естественным образом. Музыка была его лучшим достоянием. И он дарил это своё достояние от широты русской натуры, от души, и от сердца.

     Это моё понимание позиции автора легко подтверждается данными о волеизъявлении автора: "До конца своих дней сам И.Шатров настаивал на том, что "На сопках Маньчжурии" - это не реквием в ритме вальса, а объяснение в любви к Родине." Непонятно? Тогда следующее: человек служил родине в Российской Империи, Революции, и Советскому Союзу в трёх отечественных войнах ... и его заявление о любви к Родине, говоря вполне современным русским языком, "не прокатило" ... да просто ввиду отсутствия оффициального членства в значимых околоправительственных структурах его времени.


1. Капельмейстер Шатров написал музыку вальса и посвятил её своим погибшим друзьям.

2. Вальс, написанный композитором вообще не имел текста, он задумывался не для того, что бы превратиться в песню.

3. Вальс был замечен самарским автором, написавшим первый вариант текста к вальсу,
который и лег в основу всех его последующих вариаций. Мало того, что из вальса был вымучен реквием, так основываясь на траурной подоплёке текста от "Скитальца" (псевдоним) все последующие авторы изощрялись на полную катушку, вплоть до открытой матерщины.

4. До конца своих дней сам И.Шатров настаивал на том, что "На сопках Маньчжурии" - это не реквием в ритме вальса, а объяснение в любви к Родине.

5. Случайный "друг" композитора, владерлец мелкого магазинчика, почувствовал возможность хорошо заработать, и помог композитору опубликовать музыку. (... xорошо, так, помог ... до идеи заявить о правах на произведение).

Вальс облетел весь мир. За рубежом он назывался «Русским национальным вальсом». It is forever haunting waltz.

                           Автор музыки           -   Илья Шатров, Российская Империя (1906)
                           Авторские слова       -   Boris K'Zorin, United States (2016)

Публикация основывается только на материалах Википедии, честно ;-) --- даже сейчас я не чувствую в себе историка, романтика только, ... неисправимого ;-)

Last time updated April 22, 2016 @ 2:30

Friday, April 8, 2016

Wisely With Dignity Sharing ©, 2016 --- Remake and Revival based on "Russian Waltz" by A. Pakhmutova / F. Goya.

Let's dance! (Instead of Introduction)

     As of these days I have found myself again with a harmony with my soul starting both Ballroom dancing and Fitness (just to keep posture required - very professional secret and recommendation; you know, latter surprisingly owes some knowledge how).

     It is for a pleasure to recall Foxtrot, Rumba, Cha-Cha ... but waltz in the soul is somehow ... not an American at all (less romantic, thought still very popular social (lavish) dance). So I still wanna to fly ;-) Even if not to The Mars (actually I have not even stepped The Moon - this is my expressive joke toward some businessman who alleges he does play violin ... )

 Highly recommended to place a link of melody in a separated window of your browser & ... Enjoy The Waltz!

 So, why not. Let's dance! Also, to your courage ...

(Remake and Revival by BORIS K'ZORIN)

Song's just for soul. Out of hail.
Faces around ... same people
This is my faith, and my small voice
This is my song I'm singing.
Time comes again,  time is for Ball
So I am choosing the Waltz
My heritage I'm keeping well
Wisely with dignity sharing

Russian Waltz - tremulous circle of sun and blizzards.
Darling, they gone - all of the years of the partings ...
Darling, they come - our years of the passion ...
Russian Waltz, - Oh, help us to |  find each other!

Happy my life - Old and New Worlds.
Firmament star-spangled for all ...
Soul of mine will always sing
All nicely songs that written. 
Nothing forgotten, griefs are with us
That's not so important where ...
Only with you, my dear friend
They're gonna sound for People

Russian Waltz - tremulous circle of sun and blizzards.
Darling, they gone - all of the years of the partings ...
Darling, they come - our years of the passion ...
Russian Waltz, - Oh, help us to |  find each other!

Righteous words, songs of the soul
I'm gonna enrich and cherish 
This is my faith, this is my courage
This is my song I'm singing.
Time comes again,  time is for Ball
So I am choosing the Waltz
My heritage I'm keeping well
Wisely with dignity sharing

Russian Waltz - tremulous circle of sun and blizzards.
Darling, they gone - all of the years of the partings ...
Darling, they come - our years of the passion ...
Russian Waltz, - Oh, help us to |  find each other!

This Google image placed just above after work was done is as a little joke of mine, so smile here ;-))

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

Author of Translation/Interpretation comments:

     Well, I do not write any requiems. Sure, I have sound memory to use right positive words only. So I deliberately skip any wording of frustration or nostalgia, here and everywhere (e.g., my work under title "Waltz of Emigrants".)

As for performance this remake of mine I chose the instrumental music picked up by Francis Goya (François Weyer) — Belgian guitar player and composer

Last time updated April 11, 2016 @ 1025



Песня-печаль. Дальняя даль.
Лица людей простые …
Вера моя, совесть моя,
Песня моя – Россия.
Время дает горестный бал
В Зимнем дворце тоски.
Я прохожу в мраморный зал
Белой твоей пурги.

Русский вальс — трепетный круг солнца и вьюг. 
Милый друг, вот и прошли годы разлук… 
Милый друг, вот и пришли годы любви… 
Русский вальс, — нашу любовь благослови! 

Жизнь моя – Русь. Горе и грусть.
Звезды твои седые…
Издалека я возвращусь
Песней твоей, Россия.
Все позабыв и не скорбя,
Можно прожить вдали…
Но без тебя, но без тебя
Нет у меня любви.

Русский вальс — трепетный круг солнца и вьюг. 
Милый друг, вот и прошли годы разлук… 
Милый друг, вот и пришли годы любви… 
Русский вальс, — нашу любовь благослови!  

Вешних лугов, праведных слов 
Буду беречь ростки я. 
Вера моя, удаль моя, 
Песня моя — Россия. 
Время даёт горестный бал 
В Зимнем дворце тоски
Я прохожу в мраморный зал 
Белой твоей пурги. 

Русский вальс — трепетный круг солнца и вьюг. 
Милый друг, вот и прошли годы разлук… 
Милый друг, вот и пришли годы любви… 
Русский вальс, — нашу любовь благослови!  

Музыка Александры Пахмутовой
Стихи Николая Добронравова

Saturday, April 2, 2016

BAD DETECTIVE PARODY ©, 2016 --- 50th Anniversary of a song of V. Vysotsky

Far Better Inspiration

Waiting hired is well boring
Good positions ask for age 
If you are not fun of shows
Make your show just yourself

Now Twitter with Facebook
Engaged busy with its pool
Keep in mind consideration
Me, creative, may be cool ...
And that Google, as right tool



Also dedicated to Fifty Anniversary (50 years) of the song 
"ПАРОДИЯ НА ПЛОХОЙ ДЕТЕКТИВ" of Russian bard, V. Vysotsky

Just afraid to be detected,
So avoiding life of mixers,
Got nicknamed, odd man out, 
Mr. John Lancaster Peck, 
Wearing always leather gloves,
(Fingerprints may be a clue)
Foreign subject nice one room
In hotel "Soviet" had held

John Lancaster plainly solus,
Making images while night,
By alleged infra-lenses
Of not identified device, -
Later on displayed on public
Everything just upside down,
What we all appreciate well, 
What is proud of the team 

Look, the club on street Nagorny
Got its look as Public restroom
Very loved The Central Market -
Very bad warehouse-like.
 By microfilm misrepresented
The State Mall got little cabin,
It's a shame to say aloud,
What the look got M.A.T.*

Service duties being alone -
Sometimes sad, but mostly boring
Foe-man's thinking, he was maven, -
He produces the faked check.
Within wilds of restaurant
He chose townee Epiphanes,
Latter went astray so easy
 Just being nudged by a foe.

Epiphanes seemed well greedy,
Well voluptuous smart-ass,
In a bier as well in women
He didn't know any bounds.
Overall, the John's hodman
Was a godsend for a spy.
This is risky, this may happen
If you're spineless and got drunk.

- Now get your first assignment:
Three-fifteen, at the bathhouse
Maybe, sooner, maybe, later -
Kind of taxi's gonna stop.
Get inside and tie a driver,
Next, you play the just one thief,
In the morning you will know
Everything from BBC.

And one more, you change fresh clothes,
So at public exhibition you're gonna meet
A gentleman, who's approaching to you
With a suitcase. He's just saying:
Would you like some sort of cherry? -
Your response is: - Sure thing! - 
He is gonna to deliver explosive inside loaf -
You're gonna bring the loaf right to me.

And for that, my drunken friend -
Spy has told to Epiphanes, -
You will ll get a lot of money, even house in Chicago,
Many women, many models of all cars ... -
But the foe did not know, fool -
That the guy receiving orders, 
Was an agent, KGB, in a rank as Intel major
Beloved hubby in the home, truly welcomed by all friends

Well, McCoy was very real
John Lancaster's oversight 
Got expensive for Sir Peck -
Calculation came as bad.
John Lancaster got defused
Also tonsured and sentenced ...
When Hotel "Soviet" held meeting
Very peaceful Greek was greeted.

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

Comments of author of translation/interpretation:

1.   The song was written by V. Vysotsky in ... 1966 year.
2.   M.A.T. - Moscow Art Theater



Опасаясь контрразведки, 
Избегая жизни светской, 
Под английским псевдонимом 
"Мистер Джон Ланкастер Пек", 
Вечно в кожаных перчатках - 
Чтоб не делать отпечатков,- 
Жил в гостинице "Советской"
Несоветский человек. 

Джон Ланкастер в одиночку,
Преимущественно ночью, 
Чем-то щелкал, в чем был спрятан
Инфракрасный объектив, -
А потом в нормальном свете
Представало в черном цвете 
То, что ценим мы и любим,
Чем гордится коллектив. 

Клуб на улице Нагорной
Стал общественной уборной, 
Наш родной Центральный рынок
Стал похож на грязный склад. 
Искаженный микропленкой,
ГУМ стал маленькой избенкой, 
И уж вспомнить неприлично,
Чем предстал театр МХАТ. 

Но работать без подручных - 
Может, грустно, может - скучно. 
Враг подумал, враг был дока, -
Написал фиктивный чек. 
И где-то в дебрях ресторана
Гражданина Епифана 
Сбил с пути и с панталыку
Несоветский человек. 

Епифан казался жадным,
Хитрым, умным, плотоядным, 
Меры в женщинах и в пиве
Он не знал и не хотел. 
В общем, так: подручный Джона
Был находкой для шпиона. 
Так случиться может с каждым,
Если пьян и мягкотел. 

- Вот и первое заданье:
В три пятнадцать, возле бани, 
Может, раньше, может, позже - 
Остановится такси. 
Надо сесть, связать шофера,
Разыграть простого вора, 
А потом про этот случай
Раструбят по Би-Би-Си. 

И еще. Оденьтесь свеже,
И на выставке в Манеже 
К вам приблизится мужчина
С чемоданом. Скажет он:
-Не хотите ли черешни?- 
Вы ответите: - Конечно. - 
Он вам даст батон с взрывчаткой -
Принесете мне батон. 

А за это, друг мой пьяный,-
Говорил он Епифану,- 
Будут деньги, дом в Чикаго,
Много женщин и машин...- 
Враг не ведал, дурачина, -
Тот, кому все поручил он, 
Был чекист, майор разведки
И прекрасный семьянин. 

Да, до этих штучек мастер
Этот самый Джон Ланкастер. 
Но жестоко просчитался
Пресловутый мистер Пек. 
Обезврежен он, и даже
Он пострижен и посажен. 
А в гостинице "Советской"
Поселился мирный грек.