Friday, April 8, 2016

Wisely With Dignity Sharing ©, 2016 --- Remake and Revival based on "Russian Waltz" by A. Pakhmutova / F. Goya.

Let's dance! (Instead of Introduction)

     As of these days I have found myself again with a harmony with my soul starting both Ballroom dancing and Fitness (just to keep posture required - very professional secret and recommendation; you know, latter surprisingly owes some knowledge how).

     It is for a pleasure to recall Foxtrot, Rumba, Cha-Cha ... but waltz in the soul is somehow ... not an American at all (less romantic, thought still very popular social (lavish) dance). So I still wanna to fly ;-) Even if not to The Mars (actually I have not even stepped The Moon - this is my expressive joke toward some businessman who alleges he does play violin ... )

 Highly recommended to place a link of melody in a separated window of your browser & ... Enjoy The Waltz!

 So, why not. Let's dance! Also, to your courage ...

(Remake and Revival by BORIS K'ZORIN)

Song's just for soul. Out of hail.
Faces around ... same people
This is my faith, and my small voice
This is my song I'm singing.
Time comes again,  time is for Ball
So I am choosing the Waltz
My heritage I'm keeping well
Wisely with dignity sharing

Russian Waltz - tremulous circle of sun and blizzards.
Darling, they gone - all of the years of the partings ...
Darling, they come - our years of the passion ...
Russian Waltz, - Oh, help us to |  find each other!

Happy my life - Old and New Worlds.
Firmament star-spangled for all ...
Soul of mine will always sing
All nicely songs that written. 
Nothing forgotten, griefs are with us
That's not so important where ...
Only with you, my dear friend
They're gonna sound for People

Russian Waltz - tremulous circle of sun and blizzards.
Darling, they gone - all of the years of the partings ...
Darling, they come - our years of the passion ...
Russian Waltz, - Oh, help us to |  find each other!

Righteous words, songs of the soul
I'm gonna enrich and cherish 
This is my faith, this is my courage
This is my song I'm singing.
Time comes again,  time is for Ball
So I am choosing the Waltz
My heritage I'm keeping well
Wisely with dignity sharing

Russian Waltz - tremulous circle of sun and blizzards.
Darling, they gone - all of the years of the partings ...
Darling, they come - our years of the passion ...
Russian Waltz, - Oh, help us to |  find each other!

This Google image placed just above after work was done is as a little joke of mine, so smile here ;-))

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

Author of Translation/Interpretation comments:

     Well, I do not write any requiems. Sure, I have sound memory to use right positive words only. So I deliberately skip any wording of frustration or nostalgia, here and everywhere (e.g., my work under title "Waltz of Emigrants".)

As for performance this remake of mine I chose the instrumental music picked up by Francis Goya (François Weyer) — Belgian guitar player and composer

Last time updated April 11, 2016 @ 1025



Песня-печаль. Дальняя даль.
Лица людей простые …
Вера моя, совесть моя,
Песня моя – Россия.
Время дает горестный бал
В Зимнем дворце тоски.
Я прохожу в мраморный зал
Белой твоей пурги.

Русский вальс — трепетный круг солнца и вьюг. 
Милый друг, вот и прошли годы разлук… 
Милый друг, вот и пришли годы любви… 
Русский вальс, — нашу любовь благослови! 

Жизнь моя – Русь. Горе и грусть.
Звезды твои седые…
Издалека я возвращусь
Песней твоей, Россия.
Все позабыв и не скорбя,
Можно прожить вдали…
Но без тебя, но без тебя
Нет у меня любви.

Русский вальс — трепетный круг солнца и вьюг. 
Милый друг, вот и прошли годы разлук… 
Милый друг, вот и пришли годы любви… 
Русский вальс, — нашу любовь благослови!  

Вешних лугов, праведных слов 
Буду беречь ростки я. 
Вера моя, удаль моя, 
Песня моя — Россия. 
Время даёт горестный бал 
В Зимнем дворце тоски
Я прохожу в мраморный зал 
Белой твоей пурги. 

Русский вальс — трепетный круг солнца и вьюг. 
Милый друг, вот и прошли годы разлук… 
Милый друг, вот и пришли годы любви… 
Русский вальс, — нашу любовь благослови!  

Музыка Александры Пахмутовой
Стихи Николая Добронравова

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