Vladimir Vysotsky's Legacy
The topic below was never in the field of any of my interests, include professional, as appreciation of virtuosity, kind of, but the told me many years ago alleged story provoked me today to adjust (or parody) the Vladimir Vysotsky's lyric to the American, especially Los Angeles, California, realities. Generally, the career criminality is properly judged in many countries, include both true rivals.
"In the United States:
- a career criminal or habitual offender is a person who is convicted of a new crime, who was previously convicted of a crime(s). Various state and jurisdictions may have laws targeting habitual offenders, and specifically providing for enhanced or exemplary punishments or other sanctions. They are designed to counter criminal recidivism by physical incapacitation via imprisonment.
- several state governments have passed laws which require the state courts to hand down a mandatory and extended sentences to habitual offenders (for example, making the repeated commission of the same misdemeanor a felony). Three strikes laws specifically target those who have been convicted of a serious criminal offense on three or more separate occasions." (Wikipedia).
It's happened on my birthday - I haven't done something of wrongs
In holiday to get relaxed, is fashion of mine
All of a sudden - "Stop!", I easy got handcuffed
And one from cops suggested: suspect, hearsay, has distributed drugs
Calm down, cop, do not get so excited
I am newcomer, by last name Sergeev
I do not have (l)uck out of idea
Who is habitual offender you're still looking for
It's happened on my birthday, as bacons were on duties
Assigned with excessive plans to die for doing that
To get awarded in a case of plans performed by its volume
As such somebody career criminal is weighted as a gold
They played respect: "Sit down, buddy!"
And even offer cigarette and light
"Sergeev, here, let you know, warrant
Sign here on report - all done!"
It's happened on my birthday, at time after sunset
I got congratulated, but I was steady sober
Nevertheless, I got restrained allegedly in ordinary order
Those undercovers enjoyed their business truly well
"Well, you are not noob in the courthouse
But I by definition hate all math"
"So, however, you're career criminal?"
"(L)uck, sure, not - My name Sergeev, be advised."
It's happened on my birthday, I was exhausted, but explained
Despite of claim, my cop recalled High School and math
He demonstrated sum, multiplication and in total
His allegation told me I was already charged many times
So, I was given cop-report and
Put my signature as well as can
I wrote, one word recalled: "Habitual",
Last name "Sergeev" seemed like mine."
It's happened on my birthday, I felt dog-tired, even beaten
But I'm truly satisfied already with this one
In my consideration of police work well planned
I am well coining with my modest performance very well.
the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2014
You are welcome -
Это был воскресный день
и я не лазил по карманам:
В воскресенье - отдыхать,
вот мой девиз.
Вдруг - свисток, меня хватают,
обзывают хулиганом,
А один узнал - кричит:
"Брось, товарищ, не ершись,
Моя фамилия - Сергеев,
Ну, а кто рецидивист
Так я ж понятья не имею".
Это был воскресный день, но мусора не отдыхают
У них тоже - план давай, хоть удaвись,
Ну а если перевыполнят, так их там награждают -
На вес золота там вор-рецидивист.
С уваженьем мне: "Садись!
Угощают "Беломором".
Значит, ты - рецидивист?
Распишись под протоколом!"
И это был воскресный дань, светило солнце как бездельник,
И все люди - кто с друзьями, кто с семьей, -
Ну а я сидел скучал, как в самый грустный понедельник:
Мне майор попался очень деловой.
"Сколько раз судились вы?"
"Плохо я считать умею!"
"Но все же вы - рецидивист?"
"Да нет, товарищ, я - Сергеев".
Это был воскресный день - а я потел, я лез из кожи,-
Но майор был в математике горазд:
Он чего-то там сложил, потом умножил, подытожил -
И сказал, что я судился десять раз.
Подал мне начальник лист -
Расписался как умею -
Написал: "Рецидивист
По фамилии Сергеев".
Это был воскресный день, я был усталым и побитым,-
Но одно я знаю, одному я рад:
В семилетний план поимки хулиганов и бандитов
Я ведь тоже внес свой очень скромный вклад!
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