Vladimir Vysotsky's Legacy
The worth to know excerpt from Vladimir Vysotsky's monologue performed at his last public appearance - Last concert (Monologue, 1980) appearing on YouTube under this following link /watch?v=mT83HVnR6TQ/ --- the excerpt shown below is commenced @ 5 min on track, which whole duration is 51:08 min.
Владимир Высоцкий: "... подражательство я считаю занятием праздным, я отношусь без уважения, особенно когда подражают внешним данным, да ещё голосовым ... сейчас появилась масса подражателей, которые, значит, думают если начнут хриплым голосом что-то такое прокрикивать, то это сразу будет очень похоже на то, что делаю я."
Vladimir Vysotsky: "... I think that an imitation (of the songs performance - BKZ) is an idle business, so I do not respect that, especially when people imitate artist's appearance, and moreover artist's voice ... now there is plenty of imitators, who mean that if they start to roar out something in a hoarse voice (also in raucous or wheezing, usually in a voice of a deadly smoker/addict - BKZ), it will seem immediately very similar to what I do."
Владимир Высоцкий: "Я им хочу сказать, и заверить их, что это дело, авторская песня, требует очень большой работы: эта песня всё время живёт с тобой, не даёт тебе покоя, ни днём, ни ночью, записывается она иногда моментально, но работа на неё тратиться очень большая, вот, и если есть впечатление что это делается легко, то это ложное впечатление ..." и.т.д.
Vladimir Vysotsky: "I want them to say, and to assure them that this case, bards' song, requires a very great deal of work: this song lives with you all the time, it does not give you rest neither at a day, nor at a night; sometimes it can be written down on paper almost instantly, but the work spent on it is a very splurge, and if there is an impression that it is easy to do, that is wrong - it is a false impression ... " etc.
I, Boris K'Zorin, the sole author of this blog and project "My K.R.E.S.T.", wanna assure my readers that LATTER, paragraph, shown just above,is completely related to my own real splurge of doing my creative and as such my own authorial translations/interpretations; yap, guys it is never easy - you just shall be really fascinated with what you do. Yes, I am and I do.
For Your Further Consideration.
Well, in a fact in Russia, the country of Vladimir Vysotsky's origin, his songs are mostly and preferably performed by that "hoarse voice" dependently from risking follower (performer) abilities and level of experience, but that is just psychological issue of human nature. Many people like to hear a voice of a favorite performer again and again. The only really talented performers are able to represent his rich legacy with their own established style and sense of beauty in music, exactly like poet and performer inherited to all of us, people. That is. It is all up to you, reader.
Excerpt from Vladimir Vysotsky's monologue of 1980 was translated By BORIS K'ZORIN; credit is given to YouTube channel cited in introduction above.
the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015
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