Monday, July 13, 2015

TWO COUNTRIES COMPETE IN A SPACE ©, 2015 --- Musical Parody Written in English

    Intuition that I can adjust even such not so related to space research song ("SWEETIES DANCE ON THE DESK OF THE SHIP"), if I parody the word "Angara", came first after I, already being in USA finally have learned that Russia is working under some new rocket family - space launch vehicle named Angara ... already since 1992. My idea was to underline once again my belief that the only peaceful competition in any world and in any space is the solely right decision to move a mankind ahead - to the stars.


Just in the case, Russia is successor of USSR, the country of Sputnik

We're glad hear rumble of spaceports
Launching vehicles being used for a peace
While two countries compete and compete for humanity
Universe fascinatingly wish them success

Spacecrafts do research, invite spaceships
Just join discovery in missions
Towards the early morning dawn
They fly in space, by Angara
Towards the early morning dawn
They fly in space, by Atlas Five

So the science trusts engineering
No way for intrigue be obstacle
Universe drops its stars as a sign
That coaction will bring much success 

Spacecrafts do research, invite spaceships
Just join discovery in missions
Towards the early morning dawn
They fly in space, by Angara
Towards the early morning dawn
They fly in space, by Atlas Five

All new vehicles will bore same firmament
And the years that ahead will still run
But we know that two only countries, US and Russia
 They're gonna order a music for waltz

Spacecrafts do research, invite spaceships
Just join discovery in missions
Towards the early morning dawn
The cosmonauts, on Angara
Towards the early morning dawn
The astronauts, on Atlas Five

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -


U.S. meets Russia challenge (recommended to know article):

Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center - producer of spacecraft and space-launch systems, including the Angara, Proton and Rokot rockets.

Convair Division of General Dynamics. The U.S. based rocket family Atlas, precisely Atlas V is still in service, with launches planned until 2020.

See also the collection of my translations of the songs about Space: GRASS AT OUR LAWNS;
I AM EARTH!*; ONE WAY TICKET ON THE MARS; (Related to SMAP launch: Water Carrier etc.)   ---

* The type of Radio Call

Google Images Applied.

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