Monday, July 20, 2015

City Beverly Hills, attracts stares of many ©, 2012. Musical Parody.

     The musical romance aka "City Beverly Hills, attracts stares of many" ©, 2012 was my first serious approach to make a revival of some popular Russian romance. Latter is based on the words of author Svetlana Kovaleva and music of composer Alexander Ivanov. Traditionally, in respect to the author of works I got fascinated, especially this one my very first impression, which moved me ahead to my own collections of parodies and/or literary translations, the original text certainly is gonna be translated. Soon. As soon as we are gonna meet each other. So we are gonna sing that, together ...

     Yap, romanticism. So, and I believe, being a romantic by nature, that I would not challenge if someday my life, the same way, like in operas and movies, would change after dating with the dame from the high society, or even from another social class, say, nobility, with the bright life history ...

     There was a very reasonable time to listen the original romance based on internet links, or criticize my finding and that my own work, so, finally, as of today the same legally permitted parody (mostly an update to contemporary time) is re-introduced by me to be seen by my audience through my own performance. Enjoy it at



City Beverly Hills, attracts stares of many 
And the walk through Rodeo just fulfills all the minds
Maybe, just let it pass - not the worst, but fixed idea
To locate soul mate from unknown me world ...
Yet cannot I afford just to leave the impeccant idea
Since the life to the people is given one time.

Unrestrained alone - this is fair, nice and pleasant
So for what suffer pain, always brought by the Love?
I don’t need anymore, any spark, never forever … 
But I wonder just why all my thoughts are to her? 
I don’t need anymore, any spark, never forever …
But I wonder just why all my thoughts are to her?

How can I find you, felicity, it's so important 
No danger for me, and this destiny quite’s understood 
Hence the light adventure, will not bring any issues 
Would be gift for a soul, and the smile while asleep
Hence the light adventure, will not bring any issues 
Would be gift for a soul, and the smile while asleep

In manners I’m well trained and I’m good looking 
It’s just said, I revealed, that is all yet to come ... 
No, I don’t give up, since not the worst that idea -
My American Dream - is by me understood 
And the life with the dream – this is life and enjoyment 
We are bouncing, growing, we just fly like asleep!

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2012

You are welcome -

P.S. I feel my abilities to rewrite songs on a new, my own text, giving it my cover version, or some parody. I think this is because of influence of the power of music. People create music works with the clear attempt to touch delicate strings of the soul and, sometimes, they are successful in this pursuit.

Usually the only one stanza catches my attention and only after that I find out the whole original text by the Google or another search engine to fight a linguistic barrier – so I live, expressing romantics and emotions.

Google Images Applied.




Первый солнечный луч гладит бархат портьеры,
Как прелестна в саду соловьиная трель …
Может «Бог с ним совсем», с тем лихим кавалером,
Что так дивно вчера под гитару мне пел?
Может «Бог с ним совсем», с тем лихим кавалером,
Что так дивно вчера под гитару мне пел?

Мне покойно одной. Так легко и отрадно.
Ну к чему эти муки, что приносит любовь?
Нет, не нужно совсем, нет его мне не надо …
Отчего ж мои мысли все об нем и об нем?
Нет, не нужно совсем, нет его мне не надо …
Отчего ж мои мысли все об нем и об нем?

Он чертовски красив, и умен … Ах, неважно.
Для меня не опасен, и понятен вполне.
Легкий, милый роман ни к чему не обяжет.
Разве что для веселья … пусть поет при луне.
Легкий, милый роман ни к чему не обяжет.
Разве что для веселья … пусть поет при луне.

Он неплохо сложен и обучен манерам,
Говорят, что недавно вызван был на дуэль.
Ах, да «Бог с ним совсем», с тем лихим кавалером,
Что так дивно вчера под гитару мне пел.
Ах, да «Бог с ним совсем», с тем лихим кавалером,
Что так дивно вчера под гитару мне пел.


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