Hence some of my favorite works are appeared to be missed from public view... In meantime when you are reading my articles I continue my efforts to bring them back. It was posted on CNN iReport in 2013 - 2014.
"Well, Astronaut Scott Kelly and Cosmonaut Kornienko have an opportunity for a consideration and approval of my application for professional anthem of american Astronauts. Do it wisely, guys. It should be accepted, because to a favor of enthusiastic fun of country genre latter was taken as a base for a future anthem. See that as my recent posts:
"THE STAR-SPANGLED UNIVERSE ©, 2015 --- The Application For Professional Anthem of American Astronauts."
"THE RESCUE OF ASTRONAUT SCOTT KELLY ©, 2015 --- (A Space Related Humor)."
We're excited and slightly annoyed
Yes, we did it at wonderful time -
Unimaginable came as potential
Other worlds became open for us;
We have reached their limits
In belief of support
Which we felt by the hearts
As the voice from spaceport...
I am Earth.
I see off all my best and well trained -
Beloved daughters and sons...
Go-n-reach outskirts of deep space
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ...
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ...
Welcome back to the home just fine!
We were launched from beautiful planet
With purpose to share from a space
Only truth just a truth, but some fiction
From the heart we are greeting all you...
With victorious voice
To all colleagues in space
Real voice of the love,
Long-awaited signal:
I am Earth.
I see off all my best and well trained -
Beloved daughters and sons...
Go-n-reach outskirts of deep space
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ...
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ...
Welcome back to the home just fine!
No one will diminish high goals
Just with us they are always in team
Cosmonauts, astronauts, all supporters
Who helped Earth going up and ahead
Hence let sounds triumph as for them and for us
From the Earth CAPCOM order and maternal mandate
I am Earth.
I see off all my best and well trained -
Beloved daughters and sons...
Go-n-reach outskirts of deep space
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ...
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ...
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Hence let sounds triumph
As for them and for us
From the Earth CAPCOM order
And maternal mandate
I am Earth.
I see off all my best and well trained -
Beloved daughters and sons...
Go-n-reach outskirts of the Sun
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Well, we'll reach all the stars as assigned ...
We will go back home been fine!
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Well, we'll reach all the stars as assigned ...
We will go back home been fine!
the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015
You are welcome -
* The type of Radio Call
The refrain line "Go-n-reach outskirts of the Sun" of 2015 initial edition was updated to "Go-n-reach outskirts of deep space".
The refrain line "Gonna reach up to star of the sun ..." was updated to get more realistic appearance as "Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ..." and "Well, we'll reach all the stars as assigned ..." in the final verse.
The very last line was finally changed to "We will go back home been fine!"
На душе и легко, и тревожно:
Мы достигли чудесной поры -
Невозможное стало возможным,
Нам открылись иные миры;
Только б мы их пределов достичь не смогли,
Если б сердцем не слышали голос вдали...
Я Земля.
Я своих провожаю питомцев -
Сыновей, дочерей...
Долетайте до самого Солнца
И домой возвращайтесь скорей!
Долетим мы до самого Солнца...
И домой возвращайтесь скорей...
Покидаем мы Землю родную
Для того, чтоб до звезд и планет
Донести нашу правду земную
И земной наш поклон и привет...
Для того, чтобы всюду победно звучал
Чистый голос любви, долгожданный
Я Земля.
Я своих провожаю питомцев -
Сыновей, дочерей...
Долетайте до самого Солнца
И домой возвращайтесь скорей!
Долетим мы до самого Солнца...
И домой возвращайтесь скорей...
Далеки, высоки наши цели,
С нами вместе на звездном пути
Те, что жизни своей не жалели
И Земле помогли расцвести!
Пусть победно звучит и для них, и для нас
Командирский приказ, материнский наказ:
Я Земля.
Я своих провожаю питомцев -
Сыновей, дочерей...
Долетайте до самого Солнца
И домой возвращайтесь скорей!
Долетим мы до самого Солнца...
И домой возвращайтесь скорей...
... Пусть победно звучит и для них, и для нас
Командирский приказ, материнский наказ:
Я Земля.
Я своих провожаю питомцев -
Сыновей, дочерей...
Долетайте до самого Солнца
И домой возвращайтесь скорей!
Долетим мы до самого Солнца...
И домой возвратимся скорей...
the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015
You are welcome -
Credit to: youtube.com/watch?v=fs72wGe567s
Last lyric update 08.20.2016 @ 2328 PT.