Sunday, August 9, 2015

--- GRASS AT OUR LAWNS ©, 2013 --- The official anthem of Russian Cosmonauts

It was recently discovered that some of my favorite works are missed from public view... this initial post will be improved asap. It was posted on CNN iReport in 2013.

Well, Astronaut Scott Kelly and Cosmonaut Kornienko have an opportunity for a consideration and approval of my application for professional anthem of american Astronauts. Do it wisely, guys. It should be accepted, because to a favor of enthusiastic fun of country genre latter was taken as a base for a future anthem. See my next post:

--- THE STAR-SPANGLED UNIVERSE   ©, 2015 --- The Application For Professional Anthem of American Astronauts. Not less. Period.


Earth’s look is always touching
Earth’s look is always touching
We like to linger at portholes
As son feels mother’s kindness
As son feels mother’s kindness
So sad we for The Earth as it’s alone

And all the stars are nonetheless
And all the stars are nonetheless
Just slightly closer keeping insensate
The same at eclipse hours
The same at eclipse hours
We see Earth dreams awaiting for a light

We don't see at sleep the rumble of the spaceport
The either way we're not about any icy world
But we prefer to see a dream about grass at lawns
The green one grass to "going green" on Earth

The flights at space are orbital
They're always unpredictable
The traffic is permeated by meteorites
Approved the risk and bravery
The traces for unusual we listen to,
Supporting just a little business talk

The Earth's look went some hazy way
Portholes watch still's scheduled
The evening and the early dawn
The son feels mother's kindness
The son feels mother's kindness
The Mother waits for son as Earth for sons

We don't see at sleep the rumble of the spaceport
The either way we're not about any icy world
But we prefer to see a dream about grass at lawns
The green one grass to "going green" on Earth

You are welcome -




Земля в иллюминаторе
Земля в иллюминаторе
Земля в иллюминаторе видна
Как сын грустит о матери
Как сын грустит о матери
Грустим мы о Земле она одна

А звезды тем не менее
А звезды тем не менее
Чуть ближе но все так же холодны
И как в часы затмения
И как в часы затмения
Ждем света и земные видим сны

И снится нам не рокот космодрома
Ни эта ледяная синева
А снится нам трава Трава у дома
Зеленая зеленая трава

А мы летим орбитами
Путями не избитыми
Прошит метеоритами простор
Оправдан риск и мужество
космическая музыка
Вплывает в деловой наш разговор

В какой-то дымке матовой
Земля в иллюминаторе
Вечерняя и ранняя заря
А сын грустит о матери
A сын грустит о матери
Ждет сына мать а сыновей Земля

И снится нам не рокот космодрома
Ни эта ледяная синева
А снится нам трава Трава у дома
Зеленая зеленая трава

Happy New Year 2014!
Tau Ceti Chief in Charge 

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