Saturday, August 1, 2015

So Let Us Win, Let's Go Win, The New Space Race ©, 2015


This time U.S.A. is gonna have a base of getting high
We’re gonna glorify that our jump together up to Mars 
We can compete, we are so brave, 
So let us win, let's go win, the new space race
So let us win, let's go win, the new space race


The universe is watching, it truly wants
Breakthrough from earthmen forgetting wars
We all desire U.S. shall be - from now first! 
Since our motto - United We Are Stand!


Blast Off!
Space Race!

You gotta see a sign.
Space Race!

Enjoy a dream, which is so high.
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Lift hands, signal you're in.
Let them to go and to win
Ooh, Space Race!


Meet the strong competition and willing to win
Cause that's only way - for safe space travel
We all desire U.S. shall be - from now first! 
Since our motto - United We Are Stand!


Blast Off!
Space Race!

You gotta see a sign.
Space Race!

Enjoy a dream, which is so high.
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Lift hands, signal you're in.
Let them to go and to win
Ooh, Space Race!
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

You gotta see a sign.
Space Race!

Enjoy a dream, which is so high.
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Lift hands, signal you're in.
Ooh, Space Race!


So let us win, let's go win, the new space race.  
Excuse me, Space Race!

So let us win, let's go win, the new space race. 
Excuse me, Space Race!

Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Ooh, everybody.
Blast Off, America

Ooh-ooh, Space Race!
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Space Race!, Space Race!
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Come ‘On, Come ‘On, Come ‘On, Come ‘On, now!
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

We're loaded, we're ready, it's inside.
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh.
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Mmh, Hmm, Mhm, Hmm.
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Mmh, Hmm, ooo-hoo.
Blast Off, America

Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh.
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Ooo-hoo, ooo-hoo.
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Mmh, A-hmm.
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Mhm, ohh,  uh Up!
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Blast Off, U.S.A.!

Blast, Off, U.S.A.!

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -



The initial name of this my work was U.S.A. BLASTOFF* (THE NEW SPACE RACE). Because I did it like always emotionally I did not pay attention for any research - it was mine - that is. Got stuck on Google, somehow this happened toward my works, I know.

* Blastoff  - the launching of a missile or spacecraft to
  a specified destination (here to Mars);
* blast off - launch with great force.

This my struggled work was influenced by and even partially based on R&B  cantillation (Come ‘On, Ooh, Mmh, Hmm, ooo-hoo, Ooh, A-hmm, and Hey) from the original English lyric "REACH UP LA" written and performed by Siedah Garrett, songwriter and singer, as for Special Olympics World Games 2015 Official Theme. Thought the my music and performance as an expression of my fascination with a space exploration seem sufficiently differently to say less ... and that works, and that is good to me ;-)

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