Monday, August 31, 2015

I AM EARTH! ©, 2015 --- (The song's first appearance in English is on CNN iReport ©, 2014)

Hence some of my favorite works are appeared to be missed from public view... In meantime when you are reading my articles I continue my efforts to bring them back. It was posted on CNN iReport in 2013 - 2014.

"Well, Astronaut Scott Kelly and Cosmonaut Kornienko have an opportunity for a consideration and approval of my application for professional anthem of american Astronauts. Do it wisely, guys. It should be accepted, because to a favor of enthusiastic fun of country genre latter was taken as a base for a future anthem. See that as my recent posts:

"THE STAR-SPANGLED UNIVERSE   ©, 2015 --- The Application For Professional Anthem of American Astronauts." 


"THE RESCUE OF ASTRONAUT SCOTT KELLY   ©, 2015 ---  (A Space Related Humor)."


We're excited and slightly annoyed
Yes, we did it at wonderful time -
Unimaginable came as potential
Other worlds became open for us; 
We have reached their limits 
In belief of support
Which we felt by the hearts 
As the voice from spaceport...


I am Earth. 
I see off all my best and well trained -
Beloved daughters and sons...
Go-n-reach outskirts of deep space
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ...
Welcome back to the home just fine!

We were launched from beautiful planet
With purpose to share from a space
Only truth just a truth, but some fiction
From the heart we are greeting all you...
With victorious voice 
To all colleagues in space 
Real voice of the love, 
Long-awaited signal:


I am Earth. 
I see off all my best and well trained -
Beloved daughters and sons...
Go-n-reach outskirts of deep space
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ...
Welcome back to the home just fine!

No one will diminish high goals
Just with us they are always in team
Cosmonauts, astronauts, all supporters
Who helped Earth going up and ahead
Hence let sounds triumph as for them and for us
From the Earth CAPCOM order and maternal mandate


I am Earth. 
I see off all my best and well trained -
Beloved daughters and sons...
Go-n-reach outskirts of deep space
Welcome back to the home just fine!
Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ...
Welcome back to the home just fine!

Hence let sounds triumph
 As for them and for us
From the Earth CAPCOM order
 And maternal mandate


I am Earth. 
I see off all my best and well trained -
Beloved daughters and sons...
Go-n-reach outskirts of the Sun
Welcome back to the home just fine!

Well, we'll reach all the stars as assigned ...
We will go back home been fine!

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -

* The type of Radio Call 
The refrain line "Go-n-reach outskirts of the Sun" of 2015 initial edition was updated to "Go-n-reach outskirts of deep space".
The refrain line "Gonna reach up to star of the sun ..." was updated to get more realistic appearance as "Gonna reach all the stars as assigned ..." and "Well, we'll reach all the stars as assigned ..." in the final verse.
The very last line was finally changed to "We will go back home been fine!"




На душе и легко, и тревожно:
Мы достигли чудесной поры - 
Невозможное стало возможным,
Нам открылись иные миры;
Только б мы их пределов достичь не смогли,
Если б сердцем не слышали голос вдали...


Я Земля. 
Я своих провожаю питомцев - 
Сыновей, дочерей...
Долетайте до самого Солнца
И домой возвращайтесь скорей! 
Долетим мы до самого Солнца... 
И домой возвращайтесь скорей...

Покидаем мы Землю родную
Для того, чтоб до звезд и планет
Донести нашу правду земную
И земной наш поклон и привет...
Для того, чтобы всюду победно звучал 
Чистый голос любви, долгожданный


Я Земля. 
Я своих провожаю питомцев - 
Сыновей, дочерей...
Долетайте до самого Солнца
И домой возвращайтесь скорей! 
Долетим мы до самого Солнца... 
И домой возвращайтесь скорей...

Далеки, высоки наши цели,
С нами вместе на звездном пути 
Те, что жизни своей не жалели 
И Земле помогли расцвести!
Пусть победно звучит и для них, и для нас 
Командирский приказ, материнский наказ: 


Я Земля. 
Я своих провожаю питомцев - 
Сыновей, дочерей...
Долетайте до самого Солнца
И домой возвращайтесь скорей! 
Долетим мы до самого Солнца... 
И домой возвращайтесь скорей...

... Пусть победно звучит и для них, и для нас 
Командирский приказ, материнский наказ:


Я Земля. 
Я своих провожаю питомцев - 
Сыновей, дочерей...
Долетайте до самого Солнца
И домой возвращайтесь скорей! 

Долетим мы до самого Солнца... 
И домой возвратимся скорей...

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -

 Credit to:
Last lyric update 08.20.2016 @ 2328 PT.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

THE ART TO FEEL COUNTRY ... ©, 2015 Follow Up Part II

This is a Part II of the Follow Up to 
Both parts are suggested to be read together


     In my new life here, fighting totality of business world in a capacity of survivor, I have continued my attempts to join this world through the numerous social pages. The lack of reasonable audience I am always trying to ignore and I ignore that now. In meantime since I have developed some my interest to the space explorations, being already a U.S. Citizen - I like the award generously issued by My U.S. President  aka "Fellow American".

     I have started with my already established skills of singing translations, thought related to a space lyrics translations, sure, starting from a language of the first man in a space.  As of today my recent "acquisition" is my other blog on Tumblr, linked as It is claimed under name "Creative Romantic Or Singing Soul @ firmament star-spangled 4 all" (where CROSS is my literary link to my K.R.E.S.T., aka Russian-English Singing Translations") and where my Tumblr headline says as follows:

      "I saw how happy our counterpart was when Yuri Gagarin entered a space - there are a lot of songs about cosmonauts. We have certainly missed this layer of culture designated to support and praise our own heroes - from astronauts to laboratories nerds ;-) So what? Let's sing and encourage them all!"


     When I have mentioned my citizenship, I mean that I had already claimed countrywide (CNN iReport, Google+, YouTube, etc.) my own translation of The United States National Anthem - "The Star-Spangled Banner" - into our counterpart's language. It was written by me under influence of my second American graduation. That my work was done and published in 2014 and it is supposed to be known, as "U.S. National Anthem For Russian Speaking Fellows - The Star-Spangled Banner" (it is a time to adjust its title, a little bit). 

Somehow, being kinda frustrated by social pages non-attention, I went into Russian webpage (that means -, and which is designed to keep Russian heritage for generations. As I told you already in my headline at :

"I saw how happy our counterpart was when Yuri Gagarin entered a space ..." but by opening the page of I suddenly got ... offended that the one from songs loved in Russia after him and his feat - First Man In The Space - was covered by profane language as by thankful new generation of somehow aggrieved individuals.

My reasonable reaction was to get relaxed on my own way, by doing singing translations, and I've done. Without hesitation I have substituted in my revival of the good song the "damned by ungrateful scions Kremlin stars" by our "star-spangled" items - certainly we have much more stars around us, stars of any kind. And we love them and we are proud with them. This way that was happened. I told readers on that any heritage of any culture must be properly respected. What a pity.

On the other hand, the claimed by me in a Follow Up Part I aka "THE UNIVERSE IS FOR PEACE - THE ONLY GOOD (BUSINESS)   ©, 2015 Follow Up." finding of the work exploiting wording from our National Anthem ("Star-Spangled Universe Dawned in Early Light" written by Dutch astronomer)  represents the fully and precisely just the scientific article, which suggests that "the faint and intermediate bright parts of galaxies" were producing "most of the starlight" of "the very early universe" and that since that time there is not any substantial star formation anymore. That is.

So as any scientific article copyright, the latter protects just the claimed in it technical methods of research too. The wording in the title of article is just clearly complemental toward American publisher (AAAS), taken by Govert Shilling, as a writer, and it is never repeated anymore in that one page text.

So if Mr. Shilling suggests the early lights (stars) of universe, being an astronomer, I suggest The United States LEADERSHIP in the space explorations to be held, moved on and up, AND in the only peaceful competition, being just a reasonable Citizen of The United States of America.

So the base for my protected claim as "my newly coined allegories: 'the firmament star-spangled for all' ™ ©, 2015, 'the star-spangled universe' ™ ©, 2015, and/or 'the star-spangled deep space' ™ ©, 2015 etc." was established a long time ago and was just reasonably claimed in my publication aka " THE UNIVERSE IS FOR PEACE - THE ONLY GOOD (BUSINESS) ©, 2015".

Later one I wrote my first poem and a country-song in English known as "THE STAR-SPANGLED UNIVERSE   ©, 2015 --- An application for Anthem of American Astronauts", sure, posted in this blog too under the same name.

Very shortly about my writing "THE STAR-SPANGLED UNIVERSE   ©, 2015 --- 
An application for Anthem of American Astronauts"

The wording "star-spangled" was taken by me already for my own poem and a song. Recall, I have said - "certainly we have much more stars around us, stars of any kind". Exactly this my point of view is highlighted in my patriotic song.

" We're living in world that is always highlighted by stars 
While awards from The Home approve that distinctions for us "

" We fly between stars and they always pay us attention
By sharing all their lights, you know, they are everywhere " ...

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -;;; etc.

P.S.  This article first time was claimed as "THE ART TO FEEL COUNTRY ALREADY MAY NOT ATTRACT MY FELLOW AMERICANS, BUT ... VENDORS   ©, 2015 Follow Up Part II"

Saturday, August 29, 2015


      This is a Part I of the Follow Up to 
The Part II is following. Both parts are 
suggested to be read together. Thanks.

     The traditional introduction (foreword), which I always write to introduce my new work before any theoretically existed potential audience, especially that one to my singing translation shown above and named "THE UNIVERSE IS FOR PEACE - THE ONLY GOOD (BUSINESS) ©, 2015" was published on the blog My K.R.E.S.T. linked as on 08.06.2015 and following by the lyrical interpretation in English. My newly coined allegories were claimed and reasonably protected: "the firmament star-spangled for all™ ©, 2015, "the star-spangled universe™ ©, 2015, and/or "the star-spangled deep space™ ©, 2015, etc.

     The latter makes sense and that will be disclosed now in this my article and the next one named as "THE ART TO FEEL COUNTRY ALREADY MAY NOT ATTRACT MY FELLOW AMERICANS, BUT ... COUNTRY VENDORS ©, 2015".

      The post we are following up now suddenly got an increased quantity of registered clicks on it, which may be interest to lyric itself (1); attention to claimed protected wording (2); ... and any smart-ass' exercises about somebody's interpretation of a lyric (3), claimed, just recall it, as "The song of 1951, the revival and adjustment to my country". I prefer to pay attention to something intellectual and that is a second suggestion.

     The suggestion about an interest to the liked by me finding of a star-spangled-wording came into my mind when I have suddenly run into ... the scientific article under a title as "Star-Spangled Universe Dawned in Early Light", copyright of 2015 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The article dated as 01.18.2002 is still presented under abnormally highly secured feature - see - kind of "no money for PubMed - no honey to read yet" . 

     After some consideration and a related research I cannot give the AAAS & Associates any credit related to my own creativity, because there is NOT any connection between my literary work of lyrics translations (the mentioned above "the art to feel country"), mainly highlighted on this my blog, aka K.R.E.S.T., and recently unknown to me mythical work of an author Govert Schilling, a Dutch,  astronomer and popular-science writer, nevertheless, the next foreign citizen to buy. The article is secured as it was already kidding above. 

     In 2002 I was still in Europe, fully absorbed by invasion of a new market economy, but anyway I had already approached some public institutions placed by American philanthropist George Soros for his "progressive–liberal political causes". So then I had just started to research internet by visiting a public "research center" at local medical university - my very first PC I could afford only after two years of living already in The United States. 

     The title "Star-Spangled Universe Dawned in Early Light", as an article from that online Science magazine was suddenly discovered by me on 08.23.2015 only by Microsoft Edge, but my Google (maybe, it is a time to skip latter already drown in promiscuous solicitations). 

     Thought, if the title of the article was not just a an artificial battered complement toward AAAS as an American publisher (count its abbreviated letters, to avoid troubles) - the play-words from our National Anthem "(O say can you see, by the) dawn's early light, ... (O say does that) star-spangled banner ...", I was reasonably wondering how Mr. Shilling came to such great and fabulous wording, but my own story is also well fascinated, and worth to read it.

     So being interested, let us go to a subject matter - you are welcome to my next article: "THE ART TO FEEL COUNTRY ALREADY MAY NOT ATTRACT MY FELLOW AMERICANS, BUT ... COUNTRY VENDORS ©, 2015". Just follow me, Fellows.

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -;;; etc.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Citing my previous post: "Kidding the mentioned above space incident I even have twitted twice "Astronaut Scott Kelly, Come In!”, keeping in my mind just a friendly manner to announce my work before him as enthusiastic supporter of country music ;-). Keeping in mind the year long ahead, you know, you deserve a time for a friendly smile. Why not!?"

So what? Cosmonaut Kornienko, Come In!  Astronaut Kelly is not responsive, some way ...

Together You Are Stand (on orbit). The set of musical equipment is just scheduled within Orbital ATK mission (I believe in the first one from two). In meantime try the Russian Edition of American Astronauts' Professional Anthem. It shall work! Keep Calm, Enjoy and Love Country, Guys!

Rescue Mission Is On You, Cosmonaut Kornienko!

"Вспоёмте, друзья, ведь завтра в поход ..." -  Let's sing it, my friend, just sing for success ...*


Вселенная и звёзды .., корабль наш - одна из них
Накопленный в столетиях опыт несём мы разделить
Стремимся постичь мы громады размах и просторы
Планеты прогресс дал нам сад - он наш трафик** зелёный.

Мы вышли из мира по отзыву звёзд во вселенной
Отмечены честью страны за заслуги в тот миг
Ну что ещё краше и выше чем счастье полёта 
Вселенная в звёздах - её столь заманчивый лик.

Мы наблюдаем вас в иллюминаторы
Приподнимает настроенье это нам
Мы очень ценим интерес страны ...
А блеск в глазах - от счастья, и спасибо вам. 

В космических домах далёковато от Земли
Её мы силой притяженья вселенную бороздим
О, как приятно наше чувство невесомости
Нас не тестируют экологи - мы во вселенной
Где звёзды снова светят нам

Летим и видим как рассыпаны галактик звёзды
И мы уверены вселенная приветствует землян
Поскольку мы мечтаем разделить науки, опыт, мненья
Соревнования крест нести - он для прогресса ведь нам дан!

Мы наблюдаем вас в иллюминаторы
Приподнимает настроенье это нам
Мы очень ценим интерес страны ...
А блеск в глазах - от счастья, и спасибо вам. 

В космических домах далёковато от Земли
Её мы силой притяженья вселенную бороздим
О, как приятно наше чувство невесомости
Нас не тестируют экологи - мы во вселенной
Где звёзды снова светят нам

[Музыкальный проигрыш] 

Где звёзды снова светят нам

[Диалог с Землей]

Мы наблюдаем вас в иллюминаторы
Приподнимает настроенье это нам
Мы очень ценим интерес страны ...
А блеск в глазах - от счастья, и спасибо вам.

Вы наблюдаете нас в иллюминаторы
Приподнимает настроенье это нам
Мы очень ценим достижения науки ...
А блеск в глазах - от счастья, и спасибо вам.

В космических домах далёковато от Земли
Её мы силой притяженья вселенную бороздим
О, как приятно наше чувство невесомости
Нас не тестируют экологи - мы во вселенной
Где звёзды снова светят нам


Мы наблюдаем вас в иллюминаторы
Мы во вселенной!
Вы наблюдаете нас в иллюминаторы
Ой скоро, потесним мы вас.
Мы наблюдаем вас в иллюминаторы
Мы во вселенной!
Вы наблюдаете нас в иллюминаторы
Ой скоро, потесним мы вас.

All Rights Reserved
08.18.2015 @ 1445

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -;;; etc.


*    A loose translation/interpretation by the blog's  author
** Traffic - Трафик — объём дорожного движения через данный узел за единицу времени, но здесь слово "трафик" взято в поэтическом смысле, как оно может быть истолковано в американском английском, а именно "зелёный сигнал светофора".


I run into one of my Tumblr-Followings' photo-post entitled as "Gagarin: Untold Story of First Man in Space (RT Documentary)" * and that move has appeared very supportive to what I have already done recently - I have applied for a right to introduce my country The American Astronauts' Professional Anthem. Let us see why I feel supported.

The beautiful image was brought with a comment: "... wonderful 'Iconic Style' paintings just screen-capped from a Russian TV program* about the first man in space - Yuri Gagarin by an artist Boris Kukuliev."
But my attention was drawn by a previous visitor's comment, saying that "NASA never had anyone design an spacesuit quite like that ... Pity! Perhaps not ;-)". Well, NASA still does not have something else more sufficient in support of its astronauts!
     Interested I went to do some Internet scanning ... just to confirm the fact. Yup, it looks so ... There are no any iconography or any serious artistic images. The best my Internet scanning and finding is a cartoon only , but ... by another Russian artist, who has appeared to be the cosmonaut Aleksey Leonov, another great personality, in his turn known (between his other feats in cosmos) as First Man entering outer space by leaving a spaceship as for some space walk assignment.

Cosmonaut Cartoon: Leonov Pokes Fun at U.S. Astronauts | NASA 40th Anniversary (1975-2015) | The American ASTP crewmen search the skies for the Soviet Soyuz spacecraft in this humorous artwork by cosmonaut Aleksey A. Leonov. Astronauts Vance D. Brand, Donald K. Slayton and Thomas P. Stafford (left to right) sit astride the Apollo spacecraft and Docking Module ready to lasso Soyuz. 

     So what? With a relief I can state that there is that difference in mentality I have intended to move and I do it. This is just as I feel it, without any gimmicks. This is my today's vision of art industry, kind of. Let's follow me.

     Russians are known by the art of tales writing (the closest similarity known to me are German Grimm's Fairy Tales), sure, by an art of icons painting, and by patriotic songs composing fulfilled with a sense of patriotism, truly encouraging to come back with a victory, as in this case I mean the songs about space explorations.  

My Fellows, sure, as it appeared before me based on my own insufficient life experience in my new country, write books, which are already preprints as bestsellers, not less; do not paint icons, but cartoons (and missions' insignia); they do not care about any deep sense in songs, just because latter are truly of different composition and style in their performance, written, maybe, in more relaxed manner of "take it all easy, man", kind of. 

As for example, songs about space or astronauts, have not appeared on the face of a research even in my special web scanning, but some of them, which were located there, found as truly of … I’m lost, I don’t get it, it’s beyond me … of some confused appearance,  like dances in a restroom ("The American Astronaut (hey boy hey boy)"; like a space flight in a "tin can" ("Space Oddity"), and like expression of love to some farmer on his earthbound duties (Astronaut's song - 宇宙 飛行士 の 歌) etc. 

As one of most realistic song I found the one hidden under crazy abbreviation "I.S.S. - If Somebody Listening", but latter, even being fulfilled with space-related technical wording, certainly dedicated to Canadian nation pride. So since I feel nettled I stopped to waste my time on useless research in the further.

     Well, I got somehow reasonably interested in a space explorations, as a true way of mankind progress, and even applying for a job within all found in my Los Angeles space-related employers. Before such my move on market I got kinda frustrated in two things, known as excessive private weapon collections (finally, linked domestically to the most of police officers' line of duties deaths) and corporate engines, e.g. Toyota Inc. I believe, destroying my country by numerous truly sophisticated, but always corrupting methods of management. E.g., employers like NASA division JPL and those giant corporations, which at least have divisions for peaceful space explorations, but space wars, seem much preferable with their humanity development programs.

Within my literary hobby I have started from translations into English the popular Russian songs dedicated to the glory of First Man in Space, (Yuri Gagarin - 04.12.1961) and songs following the success in space explorations worldwide. I have done enough of that, starting from an official anthem of Russian cosmonauts (this is my point!), always keeping in mind to do something useful for my Fellows. And, finally, as it always happened when you truly work under something in a good faith, two equally important circumstances push and influenced me, before I could openly claim my well done.  
Under first one, Special Olympics Games of 2015, I have discovered the great personality of Siedah Garrett, songwriter and singer, learned something about her R&B style of performance, and issued my remake and revival on her "Reach Up, L.A.", LA2015 Team song.
The second Fast and Furious push has appeared before me like abnormal "opening an ISS hatch by a boot kick" (my literary kidding), traceable toward Tim McGraw, country-songs performer, which was a last drop of my patience. This way I was violently removed from my own creative orbit, and immediately after my discovery of that space incident,  which was in no way, connected to space work routinely doing by international team of astronauts, I have offered my own poem.

The poem is intended to seem at least like a country song, and at its very most as The Anthem of American Astronauts. So it was named by me exactly as "THE STAR-SPANGLED UNIVERSE - American Astronauts' Professional Anthem App." 

Kidding the mentioned above space incident I even have twitted twice "Astronaut Scott Kelly, Come In!", keeping in my mind just a friendly manner to announce my work before him as enthusiastic supporter of country music ;-). Keeping in mind the year long ahead, you know, you deserve a time for a friendly smile. Why not!?

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -;;; etc.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

THE STAR-SPANGLED UNIVERSE ©, 2015 --- An application for Anthem of American Astronauts (2nd edition)


     Yup, you see now my first own poem, which is intended to look at least like a country song, and at its very most The Anthem of American Astronauts. Previously, getting U.S. Fellow, I have already translated into English all counterparts' songs about cosmonauts, which just underline that country and its success in a space are not separated. So this my claim is very timely.

     Why not, if everybody on U.S. territory still and forever prays for their First at any everyday living situation, include any "tin can" environment at any mankind frontier, like ISS. Thought I cannot afford to open an ISS hatch by a boot kick, as recently any smart-ass producer did, however I am applying for my wish to become a truth. Because it is appeared before me as a bothering issue that American astronauts still do not have own anthem, as a song seriously written to praise their duties and responsibilities. What a problem! Now! By making differences and finalizing the breakthrough in our mentalities, as it was already a long time ago claimed/twitted. Blast Off, U.S.A.!


[ This is a poem edition. In the country song edition wording is stretched and slightly renewed .]

[Intro - dreamily]

Long time we travel widely over our star-spangled universe
For centuries in our past well trained in marketing and bargains
As of today we eager for success in the deep space
So in meantime we're enjoying all useful vegs from a space garden

[Verse 1 - solemnly]

We're living in world that is always highlighted by stars (1)
While awards from The Home approve that distinctions for us (2)
What is else in the world that is as so high as a flight
We know - star-spangled for all universe by its mythic depictions (3)


We're watching all of you on Earth through the portholes
Despite that we are in a reality so high
We really do value your so supportive pride for astronautics
So don't mind a shine in our eyes, as you know why

[Post-Chorus - joyfully] 

At frontiers that's miles over Earth
We are forced by gravity over globe
Traveling star-spangled universe
In weightlessness, oh guys, that's cool
We go green - we save on fuel
Traveling star-spangled universe
Star-spangled universe

[Verse 2 - soulfully]

We fly between stars and they always pay us attention
By sharing all their lights, you know, they are everywhere
So we share the science the our skills and so our gumption
We've vanquished in orbital space, given cross us to bear.


We're watching all of you on Earth through the portholes
Despite that we are in a reality so high
We really do value your so supportive pride for astronautics
So don't mind a shine in our eyes, as you know why

[Post-Chorus - joyfully] 

At frontiers that's miles over Earth
We are forced by gravity over globe
Traveling star-spangled universe
In weightlessness, oh guys, that's cool
We go green - we save on fuel
Traveling star-spangled universe
Star-spangled universe

[Instrumental Bridge]

Star-spangled universe

[Chorus in dialogue]

We're watching all of you on Earth through the portholes
Despite that we are in a reality so high
We really do value your so supportive pride for astronautics
So don't mind a shine in our eyes, as you know why

You watch all of us on Earth through the portholes
Despite that you're in a reality so high
We're all really so highly proud with success of astronauts
So don't mind a shine in our eyes, as you know why 

[Post-Chorus - joyfully] 

At frontiers that's miles over Earth
We are forced by gravity over globe
Traveling star-spangled universe
In weightlessness, oh guys, that's cool
We go green - we save on fuel
Traveling star-spangled universe
Star-spangled universe


We're watching all of you on Earth through the portholes
Traveling star-spangled universe
You watch all of us on Earth through the portholes
Believe some day we're gonna join you
We're watching all of you on Earth through the portholes
Traveling star-spangled universe
You watch all of us on Earth through the portholes
Believe some day we're gonna join you!

I've done, CAPCOM!
08.12.2015 @ 2219

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -


I do lyrics translations, but fifty years of my previous life I had lived under influence of U.S. counterpart mentality. This difference means that my wording is always based on thoughtful content and latter is never intended to play along to any simplicity, but on the contrary encourages to think ahead. It is just written to praise professionals. Really, I feel the necessity to write my own song for people, country and its heroes and I have taken that as a my personal call, and my own real challenge to prevail in it. However, not in any stilted speech or street slang, but in my plain English: 

1. The phrase "We're living in world that highlighted by stars (1)" mentions the STARS around us, as military officers, civil agencies' officers, professionals in every industry, and even actors and artists of any kind ;-)

2. The phrase "And stars from The Home approve that distinctions" (2) mentions governmental AWARDS from a state, as orders, medals, ranks and other promotions, and, sure, the Home means Homeland;

3. The phrase "We know - star-spangled for all universe - by depictions" (3) mentions that everybody interested in a space research is truly fascinated by IMAGES of galaxies with its fabulous nebula and spellbinding expanses, whether they are represented by artists' works, or seen through lenses of telescopes.

So what? You see - there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING COMPLICATED. In a dedication of your sufferings, reader, I do those [Chorus] and [Post-Chorus] slightly easier (but this is still me ;-). Since I write to apply for an anthem it is important not to fall down to language of "tin can" or any foolish rhyme, like any street language. I do not have any audience. My audience is a PC-screen, but I know what I am doing, so I am editing my work progressively, and responsibly. Thanks.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

--- GRASS AT OUR LAWNS ©, 2013 --- The official anthem of Russian Cosmonauts

It was recently discovered that some of my favorite works are missed from public view... this initial post will be improved asap. It was posted on CNN iReport in 2013.

Well, Astronaut Scott Kelly and Cosmonaut Kornienko have an opportunity for a consideration and approval of my application for professional anthem of american Astronauts. Do it wisely, guys. It should be accepted, because to a favor of enthusiastic fun of country genre latter was taken as a base for a future anthem. See my next post:

--- THE STAR-SPANGLED UNIVERSE   ©, 2015 --- The Application For Professional Anthem of American Astronauts. Not less. Period.


Earth’s look is always touching
Earth’s look is always touching
We like to linger at portholes
As son feels mother’s kindness
As son feels mother’s kindness
So sad we for The Earth as it’s alone

And all the stars are nonetheless
And all the stars are nonetheless
Just slightly closer keeping insensate
The same at eclipse hours
The same at eclipse hours
We see Earth dreams awaiting for a light

We don't see at sleep the rumble of the spaceport
The either way we're not about any icy world
But we prefer to see a dream about grass at lawns
The green one grass to "going green" on Earth

The flights at space are orbital
They're always unpredictable
The traffic is permeated by meteorites
Approved the risk and bravery
The traces for unusual we listen to,
Supporting just a little business talk

The Earth's look went some hazy way
Portholes watch still's scheduled
The evening and the early dawn
The son feels mother's kindness
The son feels mother's kindness
The Mother waits for son as Earth for sons

We don't see at sleep the rumble of the spaceport
The either way we're not about any icy world
But we prefer to see a dream about grass at lawns
The green one grass to "going green" on Earth

You are welcome -




Земля в иллюминаторе
Земля в иллюминаторе
Земля в иллюминаторе видна
Как сын грустит о матери
Как сын грустит о матери
Грустим мы о Земле она одна

А звезды тем не менее
А звезды тем не менее
Чуть ближе но все так же холодны
И как в часы затмения
И как в часы затмения
Ждем света и земные видим сны

И снится нам не рокот космодрома
Ни эта ледяная синева
А снится нам трава Трава у дома
Зеленая зеленая трава

А мы летим орбитами
Путями не избитыми
Прошит метеоритами простор
Оправдан риск и мужество
космическая музыка
Вплывает в деловой наш разговор

В какой-то дымке матовой
Земля в иллюминаторе
Вечерняя и ранняя заря
А сын грустит о матери
A сын грустит о матери
Ждет сына мать а сыновей Земля

И снится нам не рокот космодрома
Ни эта ледяная синева
А снится нам трава Трава у дома
Зеленая зеленая трава

Happy New Year 2014!
Tau Ceti Chief in Charge 

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Thank you for a visiting my blog, especially 
this " THE UNIVERSE IS FOR PEACE ..." posting. 
Just to let you know there are already two parts of 
Follow Up explaining how this work was done. 
Please, visit to read and enjoyed.

Update:  Listen my first performance of this song at 
There are small corrections of the lyric in a red


Was that a song about cosmonauts?
     The song of 1951, the revival and adjustment of which in English is offered by me now, in a fact tells us about airmen, precisely, pilots. Later, it was alleged by soviets that the song was sung by Yuri Gagarin, first cosmonaut, during his flight and landing. Why not - the song is great, patriotic, and as such shall be known by people around globe. 

Patriotic Philosophy

Because the song is patriotic, I have felt a necessity of some philosophical analysis before I had started my translation/interpretation. "Social being of humans determines their consciousness", you know. 
So Homeland is much preferably associated with a "Home" and "mother" (motherland) if compare with wording as "state" or "power". At very least latter can be adjusted to wording "Fatherland" - a "place" or a "land", when "motherland" would be a "family". The federal government cares about families of its citizens by managing numerous social program making their homes to be known as an American Dream. So just to let you know, my newly coined allegories as of today are: "the firmament star-spangled for all™ ©, 2015, "the star-spangled universe™ ©, 2015, and/or "the star-spangled deep space™ ©, 2015, etc., so that is to say doing my best just by "making shine the star-spangled universe" ™ ©, 2015. That is.

On the other hand U.S.A. is a country of immigrants - people who came from all countries of the world. Especially those who are counted as a first generation of immigrants within their extended families (who was not born on U.S. soil). In this case the wording "Home" is working for all of them better. So, what? CALM DOWN AND LOVE COUNTRY AS LATTER DOES IT. Period.


Home is on air. As always Home knows
Where in skies all her sons are flying
With friendly touching and tenderish love 
From "the firmament star-spangled for all™ ©, 2015,
By stars of firmament she's watching for you
Be sure, that Home is always with you.

The Home is in touch and Home always knows 
How not easy her son goes through
He's not surrendering, he's right and so brave!
In the good faith you're making your statement
You move them ahead for humanity progress,
The universe is for peace - the only good business!

The Home is in touch and Home does all care
What is her son on his way may face-off,
What does it cost to keep soul untouched.
No matter how | is angry black storm
In any case | just firmly staunch, Fellow,
Yup, keep all your staunchness, Fellow!

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2015

You are welcome -


The author of the song, Yevgeniy Dolmatovsky, soviet poet, had mentioned in the title of the one of his books, as follows: commence, Africa, love, dreamers and construction workers*. With a friendly smile I confirm: sure, everything what I do is just started; about not so promiscuous attitudes toward Africa it was already translated from V. Vysotsky's "What happened in Africa"; everybody from writing fellows writes about a love, thought today there is all upside down, like, for example, "Love is free, but sex - for money; all creative persons are dreamers and builders, kind of, ... of happy days, which are still ahead, but for all mankind!

* The original title in Russian see in Russian language that is provided below.




Родина слышит, Родина знает, 
Где в облаках её сын пролетает. 
С дружеской лаской, нежной любовью 
Алыми звёздами башен московских, 
Башен кремлёвских, смотрит она за тобою, 
Смотрит она за тобою. 

Родина слышит, Родина знает, 
Как нелегко её сын побеждает
Но не сдаётся, правый и смелый! 
Всею судьбою своей ты утверждаешь
Ты защищаешь мира великое дело
Мира великое дело! 

Родина слышит, Родина знает, 
Что её сын на дороге встречает, 
Как ты сквозь тучи путь пробиваешь. 
Сколько бы чёрная буря ни злилась, 
Что б ни случилось, будь непреклонным, товарищ, 
Будь непреклонным, товарищ!


* Также, Евгений Долматовский: "Все только начинается. Стихи и песни. О светлой Африке,  o любви, фантазерах и строителях"; М.: Советский писатель, 1961.
Ну, конечно же, всё только начинается: "О светлой Африке" я уже написал (по версии Владимира Высоцкого - "Что случилось в Африке"), и даже привёл аналогию с предвыборной лихорадкой; о любви пишут все даже если уже не знают что это такое, например, "любовь - бесплатно, но за секс - плати"; все творческие личности - фантазёры и ... строители ... светлого будущего всего человечества!

The Two Follow Ups on this my blog are:

Part I 

Part II