Wednesday, August 10, 2016

We Dare Be So Entertaining ©, 2016 --- Have a good time," LAB TREK" of 2016!

BORIS K'ZORIN, artist's idea of space lyric somehow (see afterword) prompted by a piece "Hysteria" from Celloverse (originally of the album "Absolution"_2003 by Muse band) -  "idee fixe" to move Earthmen BE FRIENDLY in space. The work is my investment into good mood of ISS "LAB TREK" of 2016.  See musical support at  
Just start your performance from 30's second ;-)) of recording. Have a good time," LAB TREK" !

We Dare Be So Entertaining

Interested me
And having fun
It makes me sick the idee fixe

To land SpaceX
On planet Mars
So let it wait with NASA date *

We're gonna be first
From planet Earth
SpaceX works for us - we never let down
We're breaking through
We wanna be heard
We dare be so entertaining

Naturalized by all means
Assigned be Earthman
As seventy one on its motherboard
Adjusted play cello
Takes time to try violin
The model's programmed for innovations ... 

We wanna NASA
By all efforts
To place the first defensive fort

To keep a peace
On the frontier
In outer space as pioneer

We're gonna be first
From planet Earth
SpaceX works for us - we never let down
We're breaking through
We wanna be heard
We dare be so entertaining

Naturalized by all means
Assigned be Earthman
As seventy one on its motherboard
Adjusted play cello
Takes time to try violin
The model's programmed for innovations ... 


We're gonna be first
From planet Earth
NextSTEP works for us - we never let down
We're breaking through
We wanna be heard
We dare be so entertaining

All Rights Reserved
08.07.2016 @ 2345

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome - ; ; ; etc.

Google Images are applied.

also the second verse variant came to bring more friendly inspiration

To mars SpaceX
On planet Red
So let it wait with NASA date ;-))

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

Afterword or Author of Translation/Interpretation comment:

How this thing got happened to me? Like always, spontaneously ...
Some well known to me hard working guys decide to restore and run again their musicians' abilities, and, maybe, who knows, to restart their band. Some of their allegation about repertoire happened to leak in my direction. Not fully satisfied with known lyrics by Muse (UK), and getting slightly impressed by an collage image of a cello player outside some "Lab Trek" - right they have voted for rights to entertain themselves as they can - I have immediately wrote my own lyric re that "Celloverse" thing.

By the way in a very first original the second verse was written for kidding that our NE71 model, still proved productive.

To land Sir ***k
On planet Mars
So let *** wait for us arriving

Smiling with you, be happy!

Updated: since Sir. *** got unresponsive (sure, just imagine self watching that jet-stream, showing diamonds ...a lot of diamonds ... so everybody may got frozen ;-), I AM GOING TO PERFORM MY LYRIC ON MY OWN. Promise! A-ha, cool?

Saturday, May 28, 2016

A Lone White Sail - A Hope Of Mine ©, 2016 --- prompted by "THE HOPE - MY COMPASS FROM EARTH" ©, 2016


The voice of mine was then falsetto  
When I was singing in teen age:
"A lone white sail steadfastly glistens"* -
In far its white was seen so well ...

The text on image says: Have a dream, it has a pleasant feature to become truth

Those days are gone, so I see world wide
It's stretched right in front of me ...
A lone white sail steadfastly glistens -
It always does, being my pure star.

My sign on image says: Just done with it ;-))

White sail in ocean - it seems a wing,
I beg it just must happen, it cannot miss of me
The white sail | of happy one childhood
Just be in view, white sail, I'm not awaiting more

Let this my life, as way of harshness,
Hits feet of mine so strongly | up to blood -
A lone white sail steadfastly glistens -
And calls to follow | its way.

If all of a sudden | high inheritance
Will be bestowed by fate of mine
A lone white sail steadfastly glistens -
As wing of hope over me

White sail in ocean - it seems a wing,
I beg it just must happen, it cannot miss of me
The white sail | of happy one childhood
Just be in view, white sail, I'm not awaiting more

The voice of mine was then falsetto  
When I was singing in teen age:
"A lone white sail steadfastly glistens"* -
In far its white was seen so well ...

Music Evgeny Glebov,
Original lyrics was written by Olga, 
wife of singer and composer Bulat Okudzhava

Famous performer: 
An instrumental ensemble "Verasy" ("Heather Flowers")
of Republic of Belarus, 1971 --- linked above.

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

Author of Translation/Interpretation comments:

1. There is a phrase in a second line of first verse that belongs and and as such it is linked to the famous verse of 1832 of Mikhail Lermontov, Russian poet, the English translation of which is credited to Belyaeva Dina ( I found it fully appropriate because in that author's interpretation "the white sail" has been carrying an action, but just appearance, e.g. "a lone white sail's in huge ocean", or content "a lone white sail - a hope of mine"  etc. 



Срывался голос мой высокий, 
Когда я в раннем детстве пел: 
«Белеет парус одинокий»,- 
И он белел, белел, белел... 

Те дни прошли, и мир широкий 
Раскинулся передо мной... 
Белеет парус одинокий 
Все той же чистою звездой. 

Белый парус - тонкое крыло, 
Только б это было, только б не прошло... 
Белый парус детства моего, 
Ты белей, мой парус, больше ничего. 

Пусть жизнь моя, как путь жестокий, 
Мне в кровь подошвы изобьет,- 
Белеет парус одинокий 
И за собой зовет, зовет. 

И если вдруг удел высокий 
Дарован будет мне судьбой,- 
Белеет парус одинокий 
Крылом надежды надо мной.

Белый парус - тонкое крыло, 
Только б это было, только б не прошло... 
Белый парус детства моего, 
Ты белей, мой парус, больше ничего. 

Срывался голос мой высокий, 
Когда я в раннем детстве пел: 
«Белеет парус одинокий»,- 
И он белел, белел, белел...

Музыка Евгения Глебова, 
Cлова супруги Булата Окуджавы - Ольги 

Famous performer: 
An instrumental ensemble "Verasy" ("Heather Flowers")
of Republic of Belarus, 1971

Monday, May 23, 2016

In dedication of The Team of The First Human Expedition To Mars ©, 2016 --- The Part of The Project "Wisely With Dignity Sharing"

     The original name of song in this revival is literally "Hope" (In Russian "Надежда"). As it was some day already mentioned by me here, in this my blog, I can start any of my next work just being fascinated with the one only word in my next piece of sharing of my heritage. As of today there are wording as "hope" and "compass" ...

     This revival is dedicated by me to the members of the Team of The First Human Expedition To Mars. The musical support - instrumental, try here:анна-герман-надежда-11705


(Revival by BORIS K'ZORIN)анна-герман-надежда-11705

There're light of Sun that's slightly cooler,
So we joke while write exploring statement,
Purely control signals entertaining us,
And spaceports unfriendly smiling robots.
There're permanently dusty storms,
No blue skies and not yet greeny floras,
Here on an unknown to us path
We have chance to make breakthrough in research ... 

The Hope - my compass from Earth
And good luck  as a reward for courage.
Well, singing ... we wish only that
About the sweeties and home

Just believe, that here far away
Nothing's lost from sight due cause job.
We've arrived for planting trees 
Building towns's also within mission.
We shall learn to get relax and wait,
We are supposed to be calm and stubborn,
So we may receive being Martians
Joy be first from doling telegrams ...

The Hope - my compass from Earth
And good luck  as a reward for courage.
Well, singing ... we wish only that
About the sweeties and home

We cannot forget what's left on Earth
Songs of Firsts In Space so kindly offered 
So murmuring that recalls for us
Beauteous and lovely human faces
There's huge distance between us
And the years of very useful trainings
In the skies we see the planet Earth
Shining like a monument of hope.

The Hope - my compass from Earth
And good luck  as a reward for courage.
Well, singing ... we wish only that
About the sweeties and home.

Composer A. Pakhmutova (RU), 1973

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

Author of Translation/Interpretation comments:

1. Example of my struggles in Russian: Verse 2 lines 3,4 of original Russian version of a song (translated into English)

"They are melt, terrestrial storm clouds
And dissolved the left in past resentments"

(in all due respect the used original wording is italicized)
with all due respect to authors were found inappropriate as for my own mission to bear my cross and glorify heroes of space - sure, they got rewritten. Ahead and forward! Only.

2. Example of my struggles in English:

In Verse 1

We're again on space exploring mission,
Milliones of miles that separate all us
And spaceports unfriendly smiling robots.

So we joke while write exploring statement,
Purely control signals entertaining us,
And spaceports unfriendly smiling robots.



Светит незнакомая звезда,
Снова мы оторваны от дома,
Снова между нами города,
Взлетные огни аэродромов.
Здесь у нас туманы и дожди,
Здесь у нас холодные рассветы,
Здесь на неизведанном пути
Ждут замысловатые сюжеты...


Надежда - мой компас земной,
А удача - награда за смелость.
А песни... довольно одной,
Чтоб только о доме в ней пелось.

Ты поверь, что здесь, издалека,
Многое теряется из виду.
Тают грозовые облака.
Кажутся нелепыми обиды.
Надо только выучиться ждать,
Надо быть спокойным и упрямым,
Чтоб порой от жизни получать
Радости скупые телеграммы...


Надежда - мой компас земной,
А удача - награда за смелость.
А песни... довольно одной,
Чтоб только о доме в ней пелось.

И забыть по-прежнему нельзя
Все, что мы когда-то недопели,
Милые усталые глаза,
Синие московские метели...
Снова между нами города,
Жизнь нас разлучает, как и прежде,
В небе незнакомая звезда
Светит, словно памятник надежде.


Надежда - мой компас земной,
А удача - награда за смелость.
А песни... довольно одной,
Чтоб только о доме в ней пелось.

Cлова Н. Добронравова
Музыка А. Пахмутовой


Saturday, May 21, 2016

"ALL WHAT HAPPENED ON EARTH ISN'T GONNA BE TRACELESS!" ©, 2016 --- Revival of the song of A. Pakhmutova "Как молоды мы были", 1975


     The original name of a song is literally "Oh, how young we were then!" (In Russian "Как молоды мы были"), but because I do especially the only Singing Translations, I do always revivals in a fact of my literary hobby. 

     There is a Website of composer Alexandra Pakhmutova known as and beautiful instrumental from Francis Goya on it, but at this time latter's improvisation is ended on the third verse that does not support karaoke performance. Fortunately there is a real one karaoke sample, so we are thankful.  

(Revival by BORIS K'ZORIN)

Look around, unknown me passer
Incorrupt is your look, recognizable well
Maybe this' again me, little younger
We cannot recall self, every time ...

All what happened on Earth isn't gonna be traceless!
Youth's faded in soul and it tends be immortal!
We were all young in there,
We were all young in there,
We've loved and so sincerely
We've counted on self!

In that time we have never seen smirks!
We were treated by only flowers of Earth!
For all slips our friends were forgiven
Just betrayal we could not excuse!

All what happened on Earth isn't gonna be traceless!
Youth's faded in soul and it tends be immortal!
We were all young in there,
We were all young in there,
We've loved and so sincerely
We've counted on self!

The first half we've already just played,
And we managed one thing that's understood,
To escape getting lost amongst Earth
Do your best not being lost by yourself

All what happened on Earth isn't gonna be traceless!
Youth's faded in soul and it tends be immortal!
We were all young in there,
We were all young in there,
We've loved and so sincerely
We've counted on self!

On the skies burned out sheet-lightings
In the hearts thunder storm comes to subside
We're not gonna forget lovely faces
We're not gonna forget the sweethearts

All what happened on Earth isn't gonna be traceless!
Youth's faded in soul and it tends be immortal!
We were all young in there,
We were all young in there,
We've loved and so sincerely
We've counted on self!

Composer A. Pakhmutova (RU), 1975

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -



Оглянись, незнакомый прохожий
Мне твой взгляд, неподкупный знаком
Может я это, только моложе
Не всегда мы себя узнаем

Ничто на земле, не проходит бесследно!
И юность ушедшая все же бессмертна!
Как молоды мы были,
Как молоды мы были
Как искренно любили 
Как верили в себя!

Нас тогда без усмешек встречали!
Все цветы на дорогах земли!
Мы друзей за ошибки прощали, 
Лишь изменя простить не могли!

Ничто на земле, не проходит бесследно!
И юность ушедшая все же бессмертна!
Как молоды мы были,
Как молоды мы были
Как искренно любили 
Как верили в себя!

Первый тайм мы уже отыграли,
И одно лишь сумели понять,
Чтоб тебя на земле не теряли
Посторайся себя не терять.

Ничто на земле, не проходит бесследно!
И юность ушедшая все же бессмертна!
Как молоды мы были,
Как молоды мы были
Как искренно любили 
Как верили в себя!

В небесах отгорели зарницы
И в сердцах утихает гроза
Не забыть нам любимые лица
Не забыть нам родные глаза

Ничто на земле, не проходит бесследно!
И юность ушедшая все же бессмертна!
Как молоды мы были,
Как молоды мы были
Как искренно любили 
Как верили в себя!

Слова Николая Добронравова
Музыка Александры Пахмутовой, 1975

Monday, May 9, 2016

"The Unity of Opposites" ©, 2016 --- prompted by kids' poetry argued re Ukraine freak out ...

     "Воля - слово (в)ам незнакомое ..."

This is my call as independent observer of "The Law of The Unity and Struggle of Opposites", in which I am just following the suggested tune of a known poetical claim and fighting between folks re Ukraine freak out.

The unity of opposites was first suggested by Heraclitus (ca. 535–475 BC), a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher (just Wikipedia). So, see and read, Unity - /U - n - i - t - y/. The meaning of that is always, and especially today, the same - BALANCE OF POWER BETWEEN TWO TRUE WORLD LEADERS MUST BE KEPT STEADY. JUST FOR PEACE.

All of imperfect people struggles and conflicts came later ...

"Воля - слово (в)ам незнакомое ..."
[ Will is unfamiliar word for (you & us*) ... ]
"Кто у власти — все куплены-проданы ..."
[ All our authorities are bought and sold entirely... ]
Ukrainian kid's struggles

The Unity of Opposites

Yup, it was not a true brotherhood
But forever we miss that Empire
We respect the balance of powers
Yin and Yang and The Unity of Opposites

We cannot be or survive separated
We assigned to forward progress
Sure things re Empires satellites
Which are used for humanity needs

Since the market economy admitted
People're blind within guts and insides
So satieties moved us relentlessly 
Overheating by movements on fire

While the kids exercise in poetry
And the soldiers are sharing the blood
Politicians keep same positions
Due to tarnished Esprit of corps

Constitutions got all adjustments
Marionettes're assigned to rule
But humanity cannot afford it
Getting joined to stop deadly wars

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

* Fantastic that that the most of Ukrainian kids Do Not Understand Its Own Coat Of Arms, which in a proved historical fact represents a bird falcon (hawk) falling from a skies and targeting its booty and that is The Coat Of Arms of Sviatoslav I Igorevich, also spelled Svyatoslav, Grand prince of Kiev. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

WAVES OF SANTA MONICA BAY ©, 2016 --- Remake and Revival based on "Waves of Amur (Bay)" composed by Max Kuß (Russian Empire, 1905)

Re: invasion of privacy ... at my Twitter. 
"Entered the Earth's shadow. In the shadow. 
I am fine. Now I translate into English 
"Waives of Amur (Bay)"*. So far I dream 
to visit City of Vladivostok ... 

But The Mars has also pulled in ...


     This Remake is the next waltz in my series of of literary works as "WISELY WITH DIGNITY SHARING" represented before this blog audience. 

     The waltz "Waves of Amur (Bay)" is popular in many countries around the world. Usually it is sung by choirs. This Waltz entered into the history of the first space flight by citations from cosmonaut Jury Gagarin space flight log, which is humorously paraphrased by me just above ;-))

     To the shame of Japanese educational system it is uncommon for Japanese immigrants and students to know where The City of Vladivostok is situated ... Well, maybe my overseas neighbors know better where Santa Monica Bay is ...

     So I decide to connect and perpetuate them both "Silver Amor Waves" and "Santa Monica Bay" of Our Pacific Ocean. My written communication with authorities of Santa Monica Bay cities has just started and it is available at the very end of this posting. Enjoy. 

(Remake and Revival by BORIS K'ZORIN)

Smoothly Amor moves its waves to us,
Storms of Pacific sing songs all for that.
Quietly noises the traffic at Bay*,
Foamy wave goes
Bubbly wave splashes,
It is stately and it's free.

Where sunrise beautifies everything,
And seagulls sing their songs over Bay.
Music of waltz sounds in every soul.
We're get inspired
Inspiration's shared
All it's carried far away.

There's greatness of the beauty
In the waves ... from Amor
Silver Amor waves
Silver Amor waves
They're proud to be loved

They are splashed with full forces,
Waves strive to overseas,
Silver Amor waves
Silver Amor waves
They're proud carrying Love

Cupid in beautiful wave,
It breathes with Liberty breath
The wave knows -
That Pacific cares well

They are quiet | beaches at Bay
They're covered | with golden sand
The wave breathes -
With all marvelous lulu

Our Pacific's dignified
While it's bothered by storms
Nothing changes our love
Waves run and make us brave.

Cultural mosaic's dignified
While it grows countrywide
Nothing changes our love
And United, We Are Stand!

Smoothly Amor moves its waves to us,
Storms of Pacific sing songs all for that.
Quietly noises the traffic at Bay*,
Foamy wave goes
Bubbly wave splashes,
It is stately and it's free.

Composer Max Kuß  (Kuss, Maks Avel'yevich 1905)
Lyric by BORIS K'ZORIN (2016)

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

You are welcome -

Author of translation/Interpretation comments:

1. The waltz was written by Max Kuß (Max Kuss) in the period of his service as bandmaster of the 11th East Siberian regiment, stationed in 1903 in the City of Vladivostok, located at Amur Bay of The Peter the Great Gulf as the east part of Pacific Ocean (Russia).  

2. So, Amur Bay is a northwestern part of Peter the Great Gulf. Its length is 65 km, width is 10–20 km, and depth is approximately 20 m. Amur Bay is a popular recreation area in Primorsky Krai (Wikipedia).

3. By the way in Russian that what is Amore in Latin (Amor in Spanish etc.) is pronounced as Amur, thought initially with same mentioning of god of Love (Eros, Cupid etc.) 

4. The logbook of Gagarin is kept in the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics of Tsiolkovsky. Here is his message while he was in a space: "9.33. Entered the Earth's shadow. 9.42 In the shadow. I am fine. I hear (a music of) "Waives of Amur (Bay)".

5. Thought that the waltz may be listen to at Saluton! - the found confusion was noted and clarified by me immediately, as follows: "Do Not Confuse Folk, "Che Guevara" ;-)) The  claimed by you waltz was written by Max Kuss in the period of his service as bandmaster of the 11th East Siberian regiment, stationed in Vladivostok in 1903, but this one IS NOT DEDICATED to fallen comrades in Russian-Japanese War. This one was resulted in unhappy love of composer to the wife of the commander of the regiment where he had served ..."

6. ... The waltz, which dedicated to Russian-Japanese War was misrepresented in upcoming soviet time as a requiem and it is known as "On The Hills of Manchuria". Such a historical lapse over the beautiful music was just corrected by me - see "WALTZING AROUND THE WORLD I ©, 2016 --- Remake and Revival based on 'Russian National Waltz' composed by I. Shatrov (Russian Empire, 1906)".

7. The waltz in its original has beautiful wording, so I did my best at this time in my next remake to keep it, as it was prompted to me ...

* - Santa Monica Bay includes famous places of: Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, Venice, Marina del Rey, Playa del Rey, El Segundo, El Porto, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes.


Smoothly Amor moves its waves to us,
Storms of Pacific sing songs all for that.
Quietly noises the traffic at Bay*,
Police sirens emit
Bubbly wave splashes,
We are lovely - we are free ;-)

Sound support for the fun verse above hinted to what that might have not intended to be displayed once - 

Google Images Are Applied


Наехали ... на мoй Твиттер.  
"Вышел в тень Земли. 
В тени. Самочувствие хорошее. 
Перевожу «Амурские волны»."*

До сих пор мечтаю 
побывать во Владивостоке, 
... но на Марс тоже тянет.

Вальс популярен во многих странах мира. Его поют хоровые коллективы во многих странах. Этот вальс вошел в историю первого космического полета.


Плавно Амур свои волны несет,
Ветер сибирский им песни поет.
Тихо шумит над Амуром тайга,
Ходит пенная волна,
Пенная волна плещет,
Величава и вольна.

Там, где багряное солнце встает,
Песню матрос на Амуре поет.
Песня летит над широкой рекой.
Льется песня широко,
Песня широко льется
И несется далеко.

Красоты и силы полны,
Хороши Амура волны.
Серебрятся волны,
Серебрятся волны,
Славой Родины горды.

Плещут, плещут силы полны,
И стремятся к морю волны,
Серебрятся волны,
Серебрятся волны,
Славой русскою горды.

Красива Амура волна,
И вольностью дышит она.
Знает волна —
Стерегут ее покой.

Спокойны реки берега.
На них золотая тайга.
Дышит волна
Ее чудной красотой.

Величав Амур седой,
Мы храним его покой.
Корабли вперед идут,
Волны бегут и бегут.

Тихо шумит над Амуром тайга,
Ходит пенная волна,
Пенная волна плещет,
Величава и вольна.

Музыка Марка Кюсса (1905)
Слова К. Васильева, С. Попова

1. Вальс был написан Максом Авельевичем Кюссом в период его службы капельмейстером 11-го Восточно-Сибирского полка, расквартированного во Владивостоке в 1903 году.

2. Под "амурскими волнами" подразумевались волны дальневосточных морей, а не волны реки Амур. Текст Васильева и Попова написан уже в советское время.

3. * В Государственном музее истории космонавтики имени К.Э. Циолковского хранится бортовой журнал Ю.А. Гагарина. 

Вот его запись:
«9.33. Вышел в тень Земли. 
9.42 В тени. Самочувствие хорошее. Слышу «Амурские волны».

Versions to listen to: - Alexandrov Red Army Choir - Neapolitan Ensemble

 Communication with authorities of Santa Monica Bay cities 

" Subject: Communication with local governments of Santa Monica Bay Cities of Los Angeles County:

Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica,  Venice, Marina del Rey, Playa del Rey.  El Segundo, El Porto, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes.

Other cities of LA CD11: Brentwood, Del Rey, Mar Vista, Los Angeles, Palms, Playa Vista, West Los Angeles, Westchester, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

     The waltz "Waves of Amur (Bay)" - so entitled originally by its composer - aka "Amur Waves" is popular in many countries around the world. It was written by Russian Empire (1721 - 1917) composer Max Kuß somewhere between 1903 - 1905 years ... in dedication to his unrequited love. The waltz is known in high society dancing communities and is performed by professional musicians through generations.

     The music is beautiful so it should not have missed by my attention. Often, in my hobby of songs popularization, I have been adjusting my works to environment of my New World. So I've done with it too. Really, there is a true connection: same Pacific Ocean for United States, as well as for Russia.

     Since I believe that cities of California Santa Monica Bay shall be familiar with it, like always I have been deciding to communicate with my Fellow Americans, who are as of today not in Russian community and share with them my lyrics, so that is to say to let Us Both to grow independently in a such art-related field of knowledge (recall that waltzes came from Vienna and Strauss). Thanks.


(Remake and Revival by BORIS K'ZORIN) 
(Recommended instrumental music where a short musical intros presents)

Smoothly Amor moves its waves to us,
Storms of Pacific sing songs all for that.
Quietly noises the traffic at Bay*,
Foamy wave goes
Bubbly wave splashes,
It is stately and it's free.

Where sunrise beautifies everything,
And seagulls sing their songs over Bay.
Music of waltz sounds in every soul.
We're get inspired
Inspiration's shared
All it's carried far away.

There's greatness of the beauty
In the waves ... from Amor
Silver Amor waves
Silver Amor waves
They're proud to be loved

They are splashed with full forces,
Waves strive to overseas,
Silver Amor waves
Silver Amor waves
They're proud carrying Love

Cupid in beautiful wave,
It breathes with Liberty breath
The wave knows -
That Pacific cares well

They are quiet | beaches at Bay
They're covered | with golden sand
The wave breathes -
With all marvelous lulu

Our Pacific's dignified
While it's bothered by storms
Nothing changes our love
Waves run and make us brave.

Cultural mosaic's dignified
While it grows countrywide
Nothing changes our love
And United, We Are Stand!

Smoothly Amor moves its waves to us,
Storms of Pacific sing songs all for that.
Quietly noises the traffic at Bay*,
Foamy wave goes
Bubbly wave splashes,
It is stately and it's free.

Composer Max Kuß (Russian Empire, 1905) 

Lyric by BORIS K'ZORIN, 
the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2016

1. Author's original comments to the lyrics above are available at

2. New special comments for SMB Cities are written below: 


- So I have decided to perpetuate Santa Monica Bay of California in the authorial work of mine, so, as my next step, I, thought reasonably, have been looking for considerably appropriate and related communication with you, professionals and amateurs of dancing (not social "sardines" club, but ballroom ;-)).

- I am not going to challenge any longer my Fellows' mentality, why the image of some sweet couple was placed within my blog publication, saying easy that in my authorial work the phrase "silver waves" is played out just as aged color of our hair. That is ;-) The Mona Lisa's smile is a plus, certainly. So I'm smiling ;-))

- Actually I am a proud medium of silver waives too, but who does care about a faithful widower with the sole love within his thirty years of marriage, really?

- To preserve my world (you shall realize as soon as possible that actually myself I am not from this world, and despite of being talkative I am not from "sales") I have been restarting ballroom dancing again. The passion that had connected us in the past. Yup, the idée fixe is still alive with me, being initially highlighted already in My First Musical Romance, dedicated to Rodeo Drive of The City of Beverly Hills - "City Beverly Hills, attracts stares of many ©, 2012. My very first revival of popular Russian romance"), which is also recommended to look into ...

     Well, there is other version to listen to of the claimed today waltz (with original Russian wording): - Alexandrov Red Army Choir, but the Neapolitan Ensemble is recommended, as clear instrumental support: ".