Saturday, November 1, 2014

"Song about Beast" - Happy Halloween' 2014

Re: Country Fears (idea prompted by a song of V. Vysotsky "Song about Beast")

The musical support is here:

I was wondering, somehow not especially, and, sure, nothing in personal, but I still wonder: do rural cities Americans drink more or less than people in Russia small town, especially under fear of the next upcoming elections?

Fellows, participants of this sport, especially those trained well,  have developed extraordinary abilities for inter-communications within their fears from depressing economy. So the lyric of Vladimir Vysotsky, and video adjusted by some youtube "genius" may seem to defeat folk from political affectation and as such is still supportive. This is why I share it. Laugh - this is seriously!,:-))

Enjoy your Halloween Fears' 2014 and breakthrough in American folklore - Tuesday is coming!

"Song about Beast" - Happy Halloween' 2014*

Well, I admit I'm in bout of depression
Getting drunk as for ability to hear them
Listening, I'm even called respectfully
A quick glance surprised me by whom - Beast!
Beast grimaces toward me and blinked
So I quietly responded just to meet:

" Brother, I am drunk, thought I drank cognac!
Do you, probably, hallucinogens drink ...
Listen me, my beast-badass and pimp
Sit and join me, make me pleased
Really, my beast, you are not poltroon!                                      
Leave my shoulder, should I cross myself! "

Beast told me it knows many politicians,
Reelected by drunk people called to vote
Beast of mine so gobbles evening bread
And as final, did not squeamish and cognac.
Since my brandy was consumed - "Not issue,
There are convenience stores I'll bring you!"

I got tired, so to stores went my beast itself
I wake up - again, my beast, so scared me
What a hell, is it my newly coming dream
Or just I, was represented before him
Foul language of the beast of mine and
Attempted kissing, wagging tail and cry.

I exploded from a laugh at him
" Waaazzzzup, my beast, at you, at Hell
Attitude toward alcoholics of this world -
Is it truth, they're all fried by using meth? "
Beast again so ugly swore and said:
"All the same, the wrongful marshal came!"

... Phew, it's over, room appeared all light
I immediately was gonna sober my dream friend
Probably, my beast got vanished in a whirlpool ...
Since I'm waiting - when it comes again ...
I believe, I'm not so crazy any other way,
Better drinking with the beast that vote away.

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2014

P.S.   Posted here picture - credit to the author of the video (link in blue is above).



У меня запой от одиночества -
По ночам я слышу голоса...
Слышу - вдруг зовут меня по отчеству,-
Глянул - черт,- вот это чудеса!
Черт мне корчил рожи и моргал,
А я ему тихонечко сказал:

"Я, брат, коньяком напился вот уж как!
Ну, ты, наверно, пьешь денатурат...
Слушай, черт-чертяка-чертик-чертушка,
Сядь со мной - я очень буду рад...
Да неужели, черт возьми, ты трус?!
Слезь с плеча, а то перекрещусь!"

Черт сказал, что он знаком с Борисовым -
Это наш запойный управдом,-
Черт за обе щеки хлеб уписывал,
Брезговать не стал и коньяком.
Кончился коньяк - не пропадем,-
Съездим к трем вокзалам и возьмем.

Я устал, к вокзалам черт мой съездил сам...
Просыпаюсь - снова черт,- боюсь:
Или он по новой мне пригрезился,
Или это я ему кажусь.
Черт ругнулся матом, а потом
Целоваться лез, вилял хвостом.

Насмеялся я над ним до коликов
И спросил: "Как там у вас в аду
Отношение к нашим алкоголикам -
Говорят, их жарят на спирту?"
Черт опять ругнулся и сказал:
"И там не тот товарищ правит бал!"

...Все кончилось, светлее стало в комнате,-
Черта я хотел опохмелять,
Но растворился черт как будто в омуте...
Я все жду - когда придет опять...
Я не то чтоб чокнутый какой,
Но лучше - с чертом, чем с самим собой.

Зима 1965-1966, by Vladimir Vysotsky

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