A little bit in prose ... to make differences, as it was declared and even twitted by me.
As of today I continue to bear my cross ("крест" in Russian) by the means of already slightly known to Internet my blog first page: "K.R.E.S.T. - Russian English Singing Translations". As it is stated its Introduction, this is an attempted "sharing within The New World my cultural background and related vision about necessity of a productive relationship between USA and Russia - two equivalent world leaders and competitors."
Suddenly I run into article, which proved my best intentions, because it appeared before me that my Fellows use Vladimir Vysotsky's Legacy to learn and teach Russian! The article in Russian was written by Anthony Qualin, researcher (an alleged university professor) from Texas, USA and that is available at: http://www.wysotsky.com/0006/040.htm
At first impression I can afford a light smile either: well, Americans always know better what to do and, what is more important - how. I am not sure that Russian can be understood completely, based on the legacy of a bard(s) only, even based on Vladimir Vysotsky, since he is favored worldwide ... as there is another famous saying, someday in past paraphrased by me, just for fun (sure in Russian) - you may guess about that:
[ Задача
Дано: ... женским именем - символом России является имя Алла; Именем - символом соперника России в международных делах является имя Сэм. Разошлись друзья во взглядах, думается временно ...
Вопрос: Почему?
Ответ: (some prompts are generously highlighted in blue)
Не смог Сэм Аллочку понять,
Да, тяжело, но надо верить:
У ней особенная стать —
Ну что ж, осталось только грезить. ]
Mr. Qualin says that the song I have attempted to translate right now was already translated (interpreted) by many others. I really like it, because I do never read other people (or alleged competitors) works and this is my strong point. I can scan that only after my own work completion and publication, but it has not happened. I write for my Fellows, people and societies, for their independent judgment.
In accordance to Mr. Qualin (again, the located article is in Russian) the list of those other people includes already many, and not limited with the list just below:
"Катрин Хэмильтон, Евгений Соколовский, Тамара Вардомская, Андрей Кнеллер, Георгий Токарев, Вадим Астрахан, Петер Струввел, Нелли Ткач, Аннa Тонконогая, Уильям Комер - # 1 (number one in accordance to cited source - BKZ) ... "
So what? Please join me either, Mr. Qualin, to your studies, who knows :-)) - I've done.
Vladimir Vysotsky's Legacy
The Song about a Friend*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj1lVGKZRAo - with a movie pictures
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2xO_FWR1z8 - a song only
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2xO_FWR1z8 - a song only
If your friend just appeared confused
If (s)he seems to be named "nice guy"
When you cannot comprehend a risk
Would be buddy well strong or weak, -
Take a bod into mountains - for a chance
Never leave him alone when climbs,
Let him be in tandem with you -
You will see yourself, who is that.
If the bod in the mountains - is aught,
If (s)he is quickly dispirited - wants back,
First approaching to a glacier - is courage loss,
If (s)he is doing false step - yells in fear,
Then it means that extraneous one with you,
Don't argue with bod as is - banish that:
Any dweeb isn't taken uphill and there
No songs are about something like that.
Well if buddy's not whining or crying,
Let (s)he's gloomy or angry, but going ahead
When you've suddenly fallen from cliffs,
(S)he has groaned, but did all efforts,
If the buddy followed you while in storm,
On that peak (s)he also enjoyed heady air,
Hence you always are free to rely
On this friend like on yourself.
the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2014
* - The most of supporting pictures are shown to the credit of the youtube link above and its author
* - The most of supporting pictures are shown to the credit of the youtube link above and its author
You are welcome -
Песня о Друге
Если друг оказался вдруг
И не друг и не враг, а так...
Если сразу не разберешь,
Плох он или хорош, -
Парня в горы тяни - рискни,
Не бросай одного его,
Пусть он в связке в одной с тобой -
Там поймешь, кто такой.
Если парень в горах - не ах,
Если сразу раскис - и вниз,
Шаг ступил на ледник - и сник,
Оступился - и в крик,
Значит, рядом с тобой чужой,
Ты его не брани - гони:
Вверх таких не берут и тут
Про таких не поют.
Если ж он не скулил, не ныл,
Пусть он хмур был и зол, но шел,
А когда ты упал со скал,
Он стонал, но держал,
Если шел за тобой, как в бой,
На вершине стоял, хмельной,
Значит, как на себя самого,
Положись на него.
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